How to Hire a Private Investigator: A Comprehensive Guide

Life’s complexities often requires the expertise of professionals who possess specialized skills and resources that can assist in traversing such complexities. When faced with situations that demand discreet and thorough investigations, hiring a private investigator (PI) can be the key to uncovering the truth. However, the process of selecting the right PI can be daunting, as it involves entrusting them with sensitive information and entrusting them to handle delicate matters with utmost discretion and professionalism. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to hire a private investigator, ensuring you make an informed decision to achieve the desired results.

Understanding the Needs to Hire a Private Investigator

Before getting to far into the hiring process, you should assess, firstly, whether your situation warrants the services of a private investigator or not. PIs are often sought for various reasons, including but not limited to:

Background Checks

Whether you’re considering hiring a new employee, vetting a potential business partner, or exploring a romantic relationship, conducting a thorough background check can provide invaluable insights and help mitigate potential risks.

Infidelity Investigations

Suspicions of infidelity can strain even the strongest relationships. You can hire an investigator to discreetly gather evidence, allowing you to make informed decisions about the future of your relationship.

Locating Missing Persons

If you’re searching for a long-lost relative, friend, or debtor, a PI’s skip tracing expertise can be invaluable in locating individuals who have seemingly vanished.

Asset Search and Net Worth Investigations

In cases involving financial disputes, asset searches, and net worth investigations can uncover hidden assets, income sources, and potential fraudulent activities. Hire a pi to uncover assets or hidden accounts.

Choosing the Right Private Investigator

With a clear understanding of the investigative services you need, the next step is to identify and select the most suitable private investigator for your case.

Licensing and Credentials

It’s essential make sure the investigator you’re considering is licensed and operates within the legal boundaries of your state or jurisdiction. Reputable PIs should be transparent about their credentials and/ or certification provide proof of licensing upon request.

Experience and Specialization

Different types of investigations may require specific skills and experience. Look for a PI who specializes in the area relevant to your case, whether it’s to conduct surveillance, perform infidelity investigations, corporate espionage, or skip tracing.

Reputation and References

A PI’s reputation and references can speak volumes about their professionalism, discretion, and track record of success. Seek recommendations from trusted sources, read online reviews, and make sure you ask for references from potential candidates.

The Hiring Process

Once you’ve identified a few potential candidates, it’s time to hire someone and ensure a smooth working relationship.

Initial Consultation

A good PI will offer a free & confidential initial consultation, during which you can discuss the details of your case, ask questions, and gauge their level of expertise and approach.

Pricing and Contract Terms

Be prepared to discuss pricing and contract terms upfront. Reputable PIs should provide transparent pricing structures and clearly outline the scope of their services, deliverables, and confidentiality agreements.

Communication and Progress Updates

Establish clear communication protocols and expectations regarding progress updates. A professional PI should keep you informed throughout the private investigation and promptly address any concerns or questions you may have.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

Hiring a private investigator can be complex, regarding the legal and ethical concerns. It’s essential to understand the boundaries and ensure that the PI you hire operates within the extent of the law.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Private investigators must respect the privacy rights of individuals and maintain strict confidentiality regarding the information they gather. Discuss these expectations upfront and ensure that your PI adheres to industry best practices.

Legality of Surveillance Techniques

Certain surveillance techniques, such as wiretapping or intercepting communications, may be illegal without proper authorization. Ensure that your PI employs only legal and ethical methods of investigation.

Evidence Admissibility

If your investigation may lead to legal proceedings, it’s crucial to ensure that the evidence gathered by the PI is admissible in court. Discuss this aspect with your PI and seek legal counsel if necessary.

Building a Productive Relationship

A successful investigation often hinges on the relationship between the client and the private investigator. To foster a productive partnership, consider the following:

Open and Honest Communication

Provide your PI with all relevant information upfront and maintain open lines of communication throughout the investigation and provide additional information, as needed. This transparency can help streamline the process and avoid misunderstandings or delays.

Reasonable Expectations

While PIs are skilled professionals, it’s important to have realistic expectations. Discuss timelines, potential challenges, and limitations to ensure you’re on the same page. A PI cannot guarantee an outcome of a case. They can merely offer their time and expertise and best efforts to reach an optimal conclusion. 

Trust and Confidentiality

Building trust and maintaining confidentiality are paramount in the client-PI relationship. Respect the PI’s need for discretion and allow them to conduct their investigation without unnecessary interference or micromanagement.

Hiring a private investigator can be a complex and delicate process, but by following these guidelines and exercising due diligence, you can increase your chances of achieving the desired outcomes. Remember, a reputable and experienced PI can be an invaluable asset in uncovering the truth, resolving conflicts, and providing the peace of mind you seek.

Mastering Surveillance Techniques: A Guide for Private Investigators

How do private investigators conduct surveillance?

surveillance vehicle

Private investigators conduct surveillance by using various techniques and strategies to gather information discreetly. When hiring a private investigator for a case such as suspected infidelity, the pi will often use a combination of physical and digital surveillance tactics. This may include mobile surveillance where the investigator stakes out at a suspect’s location or passive surveillance using specialized equipment. The investigator must approach surveillance operation with caution and professionalism to obtain the best results.

Private investigators must be well-versed in different types of surveillance and expert surveillance techniques to effectively gather evidence. Experienced private detectives working for a private investigation firm may utilize advanced surveillance equipment and technology to track a subject’s movements and activities.

Types of Surveillance

Surveillance is one of the key techniques used by private investigators to develop information on individuals or groups. There are various approaches to surveillance, including physical surveillance and technical surveillance. Physical surveillance depicts private investigators trespassing to capture footage or gather evidence. On the other hand, technical surveillance involves the use of electronic devices such as hidden cameras and GPS trackers. The best surveillance techniques for private investigators depend on the specific situation at hand, with vehicle surveillance being a common tactic utilized in surveillance services. Private investigators do surveillance in a discreet manner to gather information for their clients, always aiming to stay within legal boundaries.

Top Surveillance Techniques Used By Private Investigators

Physical surveillance 

can be broken into several segments. Mobile, static, and remote are a few types. Most commonly, physical surveillance is often used when investigators need to follow a target in person and gather evidence through observation. This may involve following someone on foot or in a vehicle to document their activities and interactions. Physical surveillance can be risky as it requires investigators to remain inconspicuous and avoid detection by the target. However, it can provide valuable information that may not be captured through other means.

Technical surveillance

on the other hand, involves the use of electronic devices to monitor a target’s activities. This may include installing hidden cameras in a target’s home or vehicle, tracking their movements using GPS devices, or monitoring their phone calls and online communications. Technical surveillance can be a highly effective tool for gathering evidence, but it also raises legal and ethical concerns about invasion of privacy.

Vehicle surveillance

is a common tactic used by private investigators to track a target’s movements. This may involve following a target in a vehicle, monitoring their activities at a distance, or tracking their movements using GPS technology. Using GPS trackers (where legal) is a key vehicle surveillance technique. It can be a valuable tool for gathering evidence in cases involving infidelity, fraud, theft or other types of misconduct.

The best surveillance techniques for private investigators really depend on the specific circumstances of each case. By using a combination of physical surveillance, technical surveillance, and other tactics, private investigators can gather the information their clients need to make informed decisions. It is essential for private investigators to conduct surveillance in a legal and ethical manner to protect the rights and privacy of all parties involved. 

Top Tips For When Private Investigators Do Surveillance in the Field

Learn to blend in or “Hide in Plaint Sight”

Private investigators have the same rights as anyone else when it comes to public spaces. However, they must adhere to the law and are not permitted to trespass on private property or unlawfully access buildings, devices, or storage areas without proper authorization. Despite what Hollywood might show, real private investigators do not engage in trespassing or breaking into private property. Such actions are not only illegal but also contradict the ethical standards of the profession.

Use online resources to start

Private investigators should use online public resources to start their investigations. Social media, forums, and data aggregation sites can provide excellent nuggets of intel on the subjects of the investigation. In addition, most pi’s also have access to paid databases, which can have more detailed and accurate information than what’s readily available to the general public. Starting online is a fantastic way for the investigator to brief themselves on the habits, whereabouts, physical characteristics, and much more of the subjects.

Avoid making eye contact

This goes hand-in-hand with blending in. This is particularly important when observing your subject in a restaurant or bar or within a small area like a store. Since COVID, people have become more alert and aware of their surroundings. Trust has diminished, so being unnoticed has become more difficult, but a good private investigator should learn to be as discreet as possible for an effective surveillance.

Be prepared for the subject’s next move – Chess not Checkers

Anticipating your next move(s), based on what the subject may do is a game of strategy. Seasoned private detectives understand the importance of this technique and goes along with our next bullet point – Don’t get to close. Being able to respond to a subject’s moves is key. Will they turn left? If so, what’s my best lane options without drawing attention to myself? If they go through this light and it starts to change, can I make it through? Is there a car between us that may stop at the yellow? There are too many scenarios to cover, but you get the point.

Don’t get too close 

But also don’t let your subject too far out of sight either. This is a delicate balance, but one that must be mastered in order to be a great private detective. Getting too close may draw attention to yourself, but putting too much distance between you and your subject may also cause you to lose them. This is particularly true in rush-hour traffic or congested areas. Utilizing one of the best surveillance vehicles is an important aspect of this technique.

Have a cover story

Private investigators are confronted often. It can be a nosy neighbor or even the subject themselves. Having an alibi or a good cover story for why you are where you are and who you are is your best weapon in these situations. Props, disguises, changes of clothes, or just adding a hat to your attire can be enough to make you seem like a different person than they thought they saw three other times. Dog leashes, car magnets signs, clipboards, etc. are props that can be used to throw the inquisitive person off. Never tell them the real reason you’re there. And if they call the police and depending on your state’s laws, you still may not have to tell law enforcement your true purpose for being there. North Carolina is a state where pi’s do not have to divulge their true purpose for being where they are.

Document and video EVERYTHING

It is crucial for your case and for your protection to document everything while on a job. You never know what might be important and you never know when you’ll be accused of something that you did not do. I know this seems like a no-brainer, but private investigators can get overwhelmed and forget this important step. You can never document too much. Get it all and just cut out what is unnecessary when reporting time comes.

Passive Surveillance

Passive surveillance can be just monitoring the GPS tracker or even deploying a passive GPS tracker or logger. This provides a wealth of information like the subject’s most common places visited, routes, speeds, and more. Monitoring social media and gathering open source intelligence can also provide a treasure trove of information. 

Surveillance Equipment

We’ve mentioned a number of tools and equipment of the top private investigators in this article. I have listed them and few more below:

  • GPS Trackers
  • HD video camera (camcorder style with great zoom and night enhancement)
  • Various styles of audio recorders – be aware of the laws in your state regarding audio recording
  • Binoculars 
  • Tinted windows
  • Blackout curtains
  • Tripod and monopod
  • Notepad or legal pad
  • Change of clothes and a couple of hats
  • Flashlights of various types
  • Night vision (not totally necessary, but I have found it to be an excellent investment and particularly useful)
  • Great surveillance vehicle
  • Cell phone (duh)
  • Covert cameras of different styles (i.e. key fob, black box, cell phone, pen, etc.)
  • Props
  • Batteries, charging cords, SD cards, and other accessories
  • Common sense and a sense of awareness

Witness Interviews and Statement Taking: Best Practices for Effective Evidence Collection

The Importance of Witness Interviews and Statement Taking

A critical component in many types of investigations is the ability to conduct thorough witness interviews and statement taking. These processes are vital for gathering valuable evidence, corroborating facts, and building a strong case. Witness statements can provide crucial insights, shed light on key events, and help establish timelines, motives, and potential suspects. Effective witness interviews and statement taking require a structured approach, attention to detail, and adherence to best practices.

interview interrogation statement taking

Preparing for the Interview & Interrogation

Background Research

Before conducting a witness interview, it’s essential to gather as much background information as possible. Research the case, the individuals involved, and any relevant details that could aid in the questioning process. This preparation will help you formulate targeted questions and identify potential inconsistencies or areas that require further exploration.

Choosing the Right Environment

The environment in which the interview takes place can significantly impact the witness’s comfort level and willingness to provide information. Opt for a neutral, quiet, and private setting that minimizes distractions and ensures confidentiality. A good interviewer will avoid incident locations or nearby areas when speaking with witnesses, so that the interviewee doesn’t feel intimidated. Conducting interviews in a neutral setting is best.

Conducting the Interview Process

Building Rapport

It’s super important to connect with the witness to encourage them to open up. Start the interview with a friendly vibe, introduce yourself, and let them know why you want to chat with them. Listen closely and genuinely care about what they have to say; it builds trust and makes them more likely to cooperate. Just keep the tone calm throughout the conversation.

Questioning Techniques / Interview Techniques

Utilize a variety of questioning techniques to elicit comprehensive and accurate information from the witness. Open-ended questions prompt witnesses to give a narrative version of the events. It is important not to lead a witness or suggest how events might have taken place. Follow up with clarifying questions to fill in gaps or address inconsistencies. Avoid leading questions that may influence the witness’s responses.

Documenting the Interview

Accurate and detailed documentation is essential during witness interviews. Consider recording the interview (with the witness’s consent) or taking meticulous notes. Capture verbatim quotes whenever possible, as they can be powerful evidence in court or during legal proceedings. Body language can be very telling. Take note of these non-verbal cues, as they may indicate whether the witness is being truthful.

Witness Statement Taking

Precision and Clarity

After the interview is complete, be sure to obtain the witness’s formal written statement. Ensure that the statement is clear, concise, and accurately reflects the witness’s account. Use precise language and avoid ambiguities or vague descriptions that could be open to interpretation.

Review and Verification

Be certain that the witness is clear about their statement. Have them read it allowed and make sure they agree with the accuracy and completeness of their account. Allow the witness to make corrections or clarifications if necessary. Once the statement is finalized, have the witness sign and date it to authenticate their account.

Handling Sensitive Information

In some cases, witness statements may contain sensitive or confidential information. Implement appropriate measures to protect the privacy and safety of the witness, as well as the integrity of the investigation. Redact or withhold sensitive information as necessary and follow established protocols for handling and storing confidential materials.

Best Practices for Effective Witness Interviews and Statement Taking

Maintain Objectivity

Throughout the interview and statement-taking process, it’s essential to maintain objectivity and avoid bias. Approach each witness with an open mind and refrain from making assumptions or judgments. Your role is to gather accurate information, not to validate or dismiss any particular narrative.

Respect Privacy and Legal Rights

Respect the privacy and legal rights of the witness at all times. Inform them of their rights, including the right to legal representation if applicable. Ensure that the witness understands that their participation is voluntary and that they can choose not to answer certain questions or terminate the interview at any time.

Follow Legal and Ethical Standards

Adhere to all relevant legal and ethical standards when conducting witness interviews and taking statements. This includes obtaining proper consent, avoiding coercion or intimidation, and preserving the integrity of the evidence. Familiarize yourself with applicable laws and regulations, as well as your organization’s policies and procedures.

Continuous Training and Improvement

Witness interviews and statement taking are skills that require ongoing training and refinement. Participate in professional development opportunities, such as workshops, seminars, or online courses, to stay up-to-date with best practices and emerging techniques. Additionally, seek feedback and learn from experienced colleagues to continuously improve your interviewing and documentation abilities.

The Importance of Witness Interviews and Statement Taking in Investigations

Being an effective interviewer and having the ability to transpose witness’s accounts into formal statements is essential to the success of many criminal, civil, and corporate cases By adhering to best practices, maintaining objectivity, and respecting legal and ethical standards, private investigators can gather reliable and admissible evidence that can strengthen their cases and ultimately serve the pursuit of justice or organizational integrity.

How to Stop Your Smart TV From Spying on You

Protecting Your Privacy: Preventing Smart TVs from Becoming Surveillance Devices

In the age of the connected home, smart televisions have become ubiquitous centerpieces, offering a wealth of entertainment and convenience features. However, these advanced devices also raise significant privacy concerns, as they are often equipped with an array of sensors and data collection capabilities that can be used to monitor and spy on users.

The Unsettling Surveillance Capabilities of Smart TVs

Smart TVs are designed to collect a wide range of personal data, including:

Voice Recordings: Integrated microphones enable voice control features, allowing users to issue commands through spoken input. However, these microphones could potentially be used to eavesdrop on private conversations.

Viewing Habits: Automatic content recognition (ACR) technology tracks what you watch, for how long, and which advertisements you’re exposed to. This data is often shared with content providers, broadcasters, and third-party advertisers.

Biometric Data: Some smart TVs come equipped with cameras capable of facial recognition, which can be used to identify users and monitor their activities.

Geolocation: Smart TVs may collect location data through IP addresses or built-in GPS sensors, potentially exposing information about your whereabouts.

This wealth of personal information is frequently transmitted to the TV manufacturer, streaming services, and advertising networks, raising significant concerns about privacy and the potential for misuse.

The Troubling History of Smart TV Surveillance

Over the past decade, there have been several high-profile incidents that have exposed the privacy-invading capabilities of smart TVs:

In 2015, security researchers discovered that Samsung’s “always-listening” smart TVs were transmitting users’ voice commands to third-party servers for processing, including sensitive personal information.

A year later, it was revealed that some Samsung TV models were sending unencrypted voice data to external parties, potentially compromising users’ private conversations.

In 2017, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) took action against television manufacturer Vizio, fining the company for secretly collecting and selling customer viewing data without their knowledge or consent.

Even the FBI has warned consumers about the surveillance risks posed by smart TVs, advising users to cover cameras when not in use and be mindful of the devices’ microphone capabilities.

These incidents have underscored the urgent need for smart TV owners to take proactive measures to safeguard their privacy and prevent their living rooms from becoming unintended surveillance hubs.

Securing Your Smart TV: A Comprehensive Approach

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to significantly reduce the risk of your smart TV spying on you and protect your personal information:

1. Adjusting Privacy Settings

Begin by thoroughly exploring your smart TV’s settings menu and adjusting the privacy-related options. Look for the following capabilities and turn them off if possible:

– Microphone access: Disable the ability for apps and voice control features to access the built-in microphone.

– Camera access: If your TV has an integrated camera, restrict or disable access to it.

– Data sharing: Opt-out of data collection and sharing with the TV manufacturer, content providers, and advertisers.

– Personalized advertising: Turn off targeted advertising features that track your viewing habits.

By proactively limiting the access and data collection capabilities of your smart TV, you can substantially mitigate the surveillance risks.

2. Deploying a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

One of the most effective ways to protect your smart TV from spying is by using a reliable virtual private network (VPN). A VPN encrypts your internet traffic and masks your IP address, making it significantly more difficult for third parties to monitor your online activities and access your personal information.

When selecting a VPN for your smart TV, look for providers that offer the following features:

– Strong encryption protocols: Ensure the VPN utilizes industry-standard AES-256 encryption to safeguard your data.

– No-logs policy: Choose a VPN service that has a proven track record of not storing or sharing user activity logs.

– Extensive server network: Access to a vast global network of VPN servers will allow you to bypass geographic content restrictions.

– High-speed performance: Look for a VPN that delivers fast, reliable speeds to support seamless streaming on your smart TV.

Some top VPN providers that meet these criteria include ExpressVPN, NordVPN, and Surfshark. By connecting your smart TV to a VPN, you can significantly enhance your online privacy and security.

3. Disabling Voice Commands

Many smart TVs come equipped with voice control capabilities, allowing users to issue commands and navigate the user interface through spoken input. While convenient, these voice-activated features also pose a privacy risk, as the microphones could potentially be used to eavesdrop on private conversations.

If your smart TV has voice control, consider disabling this functionality altogether. Locate the relevant setting in your TV’s menu and turn off the microphone access to prevent unintended recordings.

4. Avoiding the TV’s Web Browser

Smart TVs often include built-in web browsers, which can be vulnerable to various security threats and tracking mechanisms. To minimize your exposure, avoid using your smart TV’s browser for general internet surfing and online activities.

Instead, consider using a separate device, such as a laptop, tablet, or dedicated streaming media player, for web browsing, online shopping, and accessing sensitive websites. This way, you can isolate your smart TV’s internet usage to strictly entertainment-related tasks, reducing the opportunities for data collection and compromised security.

5. Reviewing App Permissions

Smart TVs, much like smartphones and tablets, often allow users to install a variety of third-party apps and services. These apps may request access to sensitive device features, such as the microphone, camera, or location services, which could be exploited for surveillance purposes.

Carefully review the permissions granted to each app installed on your smart TV and revoke access to any features that you deem unnecessary or potentially invasive. By limiting the app permissions, you can restrict the data that these applications can collect and help prevent unauthorized surveillance.

6. Keeping Software Up-to-Date

Maintaining the latest software updates for your smart TV is crucial for addressing known security vulnerabilities and ensuring you benefit from the latest privacy protections.

Manufacturers regularly release firmware updates that patch security holes and improve the overall security posture of their devices. Enable automatic software updates or regularly check for and install the latest firmware to stay ahead of potential threats.

7. Utilizing a Guest Mode

Many smart TVs offer a dedicated guest mode or user profile feature, which allows visitors or secondary users to access the device without exposing your personal settings, preferences, or data.

By enabling the guest mode when others use your smart TV, you can help prevent unauthorized access to your accounts, viewing history, and other sensitive information. This added layer of segregation can enhance your overall privacy and security.

8. Monitoring Network Activity

To gain a deeper understanding of your smart TV’s network activity and potential security threats, consider using a network monitoring tool or a router with advanced security features.

These tools can help you identify and block suspicious traffic, detect potential intrusions, and gain visibility into the data your smart TV is transmitting. By closely monitoring your home network, you can better protect your smart TV from becoming a conduit for surveillance and data breaches.

Staying Vigilant and Taking Control of Your Privacy

In the era of the connected home, smart TVs have become increasingly ubiquitous, offering a wealth of entertainment and convenience features. However, these advanced devices also pose significant privacy risks, as they are often equipped with surveillance capabilities that can be exploited to monitor user activities and collect personal data.

By taking proactive measures, such as adjusting privacy settings, using a VPN, disabling voice commands, and regularly updating your smart TV’s software, you can substantially reduce the risk of your living room becoming an unintended surveillance hub. Remember, maintaining vigilance and taking control of your privacy is crucial in the age of ever-evolving smart home technologies. Ultimately, safeguarding your personal information and preventing your smart TV from spying on you requires a multi-faceted approach. By implementing the strategies outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can enjoy the benefits of your smart TV while ensuring that your privacy remains firmly under your control.

Cyber Scams Target Bank BRI Accounts in Indonesia: A Stark Contrast to US Protections

bank cyber scams phishing email
Bank BRI Indonesia

The Anatomy of the Bank BRI Cyber Scams

The modus operandi behind these cyber scams is alarmingly simple yet effective. Fraudsters have been employing a combination of phishing emails, malicious websites, and even SMS messages to trick Bank BRI customers into revealing their login credentials and one-time passwords. Once the criminals gain access to an account, they quickly transfer the funds to other accounts under their control, leaving the rightful owner financially devastated.

What makes these attacks particularly insidious is the level of sophistication employed by the cybercriminals. They often impersonate legitimate Bank BRI personnel, exploiting the trust and familiarity customers have with their financial institution. The scammers’ messages may even include convincing branding and language, further luring victims into a false sense of security.

Inadequate Cybersecurity Measures in Indonesia

The surge in Bank BRI cyber scams can be directly attributed to the country’s comparatively lax cybersecurity standards and protections for consumers. Indonesia has been slow to implement robust digital security frameworks, leaving its financial institutions and citizens vulnerable to the increasing threats posed by cybercrime.

Unlike the United States, where stringent regulations such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the FFIEC Cybersecurity Assessment Tool have mandated heightened security measures for banks, Indonesia’s cybersecurity regulations remain fragmented and under enforced. This regulatory gap has allowed cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities in the country’s banking infrastructure with relative ease.

Compounding the problem is the limited availability of advanced cybersecurity technologies and the shortage of skilled professionals in the field. Many Indonesian banks, including Bank BRI, have been slow to invest in cutting-edge security solutions, such as multi-factor authentication, real-time fraud monitoring, and sophisticated data encryption.

The Stark Contrast with Cybersecurity in the USA

In contrast, the United States has made significant strides in safeguarding its financial sector against cyber threats. The implementation of robust regulations, coupled with heavy investments in cybersecurity technology and personnel, has helped to create a more secure environment for American banking customers.

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, for instance, mandates that financial institutions implement comprehensive data protection measures, including the use of advanced encryption and access controls. The FFIEC Cybersecurity Assessment Tool further requires banks to regularly evaluate their cybersecurity posture and address any identified vulnerabilities.

Moreover, the US banking industry has been at the forefront of adopting innovative security solutions, such as biometric authentication, behavioral analytics, and artificial intelligence-powered fraud detection. These technologies have proven effective in thwarting sophisticated cyber attacks and safeguarding customer accounts.

The Urgent Need for Cybersecurity Reform in Indonesia

The recent spate of cyber scams targeting Bank BRI accounts has underscored the pressing need for Indonesia to overhaul its approach to financial sector cybersecurity. Policymakers and regulators must act swiftly to implement stringent security standards, mandate the use of cutting-edge technologies, and ensure robust enforcement measures are in place.

“Banks are targets because banks are where the money is,” BRI’s head of information Muharto, who like many Indonesians goes by only one name, said at a forum in Jakarta in June.

Additionally, banks in Indonesia, including Bank BRI, must prioritize cybersecurity as a strategic imperative. Increased investment in security solutions, enhanced customer education campaigns, and the recruitment of skilled cybersecurity professionals will be crucial in mitigating the growing threat of cyber attacks.

Failure to address these vulnerabilities could have far-reaching consequences, not only for individual bank customers but also for Indonesia’s entire financial system. The country’s economic stability and the public’s trust in its banking institutions are at stake, making cybersecurity reform an urgent national priority. As the world becomes increasingly digitized, the contrast between Indonesia’s and the USA’s approaches to financial sector cybersecurity highlights the critical importance of proactive, comprehensive, and well-enforced security measures. By learning from the successes of the US banking industry, Indonesia can take decisive steps to safeguard its citizens’ hard-earned savings and secure the future of its financial ecosystem.

Digital Detectives At Victory Investigations

As Digital Detectives, Victory’s private investigators are experienced in discovering spyware, malware, surreptitious monitoring, and sometimes intrusion. A Digital Detective is a specialized investigator that has skills in ethical hacking (including social engineering) and digital forensics. With these specialized skill sets, these detectives examine computers, cell phones, tablets, servers and more for unwanted and unwelcomed spying software and potential “breadcrumbs” or digital footprints left behind be a perpetrator or attacker. Digital Forensics can uncover vital evidence artifacts that would normally go undetected by the user. Spyware and malware are designed to be transparent to the user, so that they can do their dirty work behind the scenes.

The Manila Envelope – A Private Investigator’s Tale of Sex, Money, and Murder for Hire

Private Investigator Greensboro – Victory Investigations Office

Chapter 1 – Cold Delivery

The harsh fluorescent lights of my private investigations office gave everything a sickly palor as I pored over the stack of photos and surveillance notes scattered across my desk. The cold evidence was damning – image after image of the curvaceous brunette, Marissa Calhoun, locked in intimate embraces with Greensboro City Councilman Peter Hardaway.

I shuffled the 8×10 glossies as my mind wandered back to the meeting where my client, real estate mogul Franklin Calhoun, had laid out the simple assignment – tail his wife and get proof of her suspected infidelity. At the time, it seemed like one of the cushier gigs I took in between the higher-stakes corporate espionage cases and digital forensics work. Just some routine surveillance to confirm a wandering wife. How little I knew…

The truth was, stumbling into this toxic web of lies, political corruption, and outright criminality had caught me completely off-guard. And now, with the mounting evidence before me, a sinking pit formed in my stomach – I realized I was firmly caught in the crosshairs. 

A loud thump against the door snapped me out of my self-absorbed trance. I instinctively drew my .38 special from the top desk drawer as a manila envelope slid under the door, coming to rest on the dingy industrial carpet.

“Who’s there?” I shouted, rising from my chair with the revolver extended. “Show yourself!”

Only silence answered my demand. Cautiously, I crept over and nudged the ordinary-looking envelope with the toe of my leather oxford until it opened enough for me to peek inside.

My blood instantly ran from my face.

There, nestled amidst the folds of cheap brown paper, was a single photograph – an overhead shot capturing me in my car on Stumptown Road three nights ago, staking out that seedy motor lodge where Marissa and her city councilman boy toy would tryst. Above the unsettling image were four neatly typed words that hit me like a boxer’s uppercut:


Chapter 2

The hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention, my gut recoiling at the implication behind those four menacing words. On ice – it was an underworld code, a lingering calling-card threat from one of the area’s more insidious organized crime outfits. It meant they were fixing to snuff you out, permanently.

But who would go to such extremes to silence me? And over what amounted to a glorified marital case? My mind raced, struggling to find the intersection between this open-and-shut infidelity expose and the shadowy criminal forces apparently seeking to eliminate me. 

As if the answer was taunting me, my gaze returned to the surveillance photos strewn about my desk – sweat-soaked images of Marissa and Peter locked in throes of unbridled passion. Of course, that was it! 

While the dalliance between a wealthy socialite and the slimy bureaucrat scratching her itch was certainly tawdry, it wasn’t something that would typically draw the ire of the city’s underworld elements. No, there had to be something else at play, some larger scheme afoot that I’d unwittingly foiled by uncovering their torrid tryst.

I felt a new wave of dread crest within me – whatever Marissa and Peter’s deeper motivations, the fact that I’d photographically caught them in the act had clearly fouled their machinations in a serious way. And judging by that ominous photo delivery, they weren’t afraid to play hardball to bury the truth I’d exposed.

I found myself again fixated on the images of Peter and Marissa, as if staring deeper into their awkwardly contorted poses would reveal some hidden insight. Suddenly, a flash of recollection lit up my consciousness – something Peter had growled at Marissa as they hurriedly dressed after one of their liaisons.

“Once your fool of a husband signs over that real estate portfolio to me, we’ll finally be able to escape this provincial burg together…” he had sneered while tucking his sweat-stained shirt back into his slacks.

Of course! The extramarital affair was merely a smokescreen for a bigger, insidious plot – one involving siphoning the substantial wealth Franklin had amassed through his various commercial and residential real estate holdings. 

Marissa was gaslighting her wealthy husband, stringing him along with the affair to disguise her true motivations. With inside intel and undo influence from Peter’s public office, the two of them were conniving to pilfer the Calhoun family assets through a combination of corporate chicanery and political strong-arming. 

And in exposing their sexually-charged charade, I had effectively blown the lid off their lucrative little scheme. No wonder they were now arrayed against me with lethal intent – my clumsy sleuthing had put tens of millions of dollars in potential ill-gotten gains at risk. I stared down at the haunting surveillance photo tucked inside that ominous manila envelope, the gravity of my perilous circumstances solidifying. If I didn’t act fast to batten down the hatches and unmask this conspiracy, I would indeed be the next one “on ice” — permanently silenced, just another untidy loose end in the trail of Marissa and Peter’s avaricious ambitions.

To Be Continued…..

How to Run a Background Check for Rentals – Tenant Background Checks in Greensboro NC

how to run a background check on a tenant greensboro nc

Rental properties are an excellent source of passive income. However, managing them comes with a fair share of accountability, responsibility, and potential liability. If you want to manage rental properties successfully and ensure the safety, reliability and financial stability of your tenants, then engaging in robust tenant background checks becomes crucial. They are a way for landlords to examine prospective tenants, identify any potential red flags and choose the best renter for the rental property. A typical tenant background check includes the following –

  • Verification of the prospective tenant’s identity
  • Examining his/her criminal history at the county, state and federal levels
  • Checking for prior evictions
  •  Checking global watchlists
  • Check for liens or other indebtedness
  • Follow up with prior landlords – previous rental history – were they a problematic tenant

Importance of Rental Background Checks – A Concise Guide for Greensboro North Carolina

A rental background check is crucial for every landlord or property manager who is serious about the safety of his/her property and also about the well-being of other tenants. A rigorous tenant screening process helps identify the potential red flags of a potential tenant, such as criminal or anti-social behavior, and inability or unwillingness to pay debts, etc.

When you review the rental payment history of a potential tenant, it becomes easy to understand whether or not they will be able to pay their rent on time. So, you are saved from the hassle and headache of rental fraud. Likewise, a tenant application with a crystal clear record also ensures that the passive income you receive from your rentals is steady, smooth and consistent.

A tenant with a history could bring unwanted problems your way. You will want to speak with the previous landlord or have a private investigator in Greensboro speak with them, in addition to running a background check on a prospective tenant.

What Is A Tenant Background Check – Top 3 Components

 Before getting into the basics of how to conduct a rental background check, let’s examine some essential components of a rental background investigation.

 Eviction Records & Previous Rental History

One of the most important components of background checks for rentals is looking for eviction records. Eviction records are big warning signs that something is wrong with the individual who might become your future tenant. It might hint at the applicant’s inability to pay rent on time, misconduct, or any type of anti-social behavior. These types of records may be difficult for landlords and property managers to obtain on their own. Victory Investigations’ private investigators, in Greensboro NC, have access to information that is not readily available to the general public that can potentially help validate the findings of a reputable tenant screening service. 

Request a Criminal Background Check on Tenants

A criminal record check offers insight and details into the criminal history of the applicant, including convictions a person may have. They are important to ensure everyone’s safety and minimize your liability as a landlord. However, there are regions that have laws prohibiting landlords from asking prospective tenants about arrest or conviction records, such as Oakland and Berkley California. Landlords should always be aware of local laws and regulations when conducting criminal history checks.

It is important to note that there are NO central criminal databases available to anyone outside of law enforcement. However, background screening agencies and private investigators for Greensboro know how to locate and combine criminal records from all 50 states.

Another important piece of information is that PI’s and background screening agencies provide “human-audited” background information. You cannot rely on online, automated background reports. Although many many have useful and accurate information, more often than not, they are riddled with inaccuracies, stale data, and cross-contamination from others with similar attributes. 

Request a Credit Report Through the Three Major Credit Reporting Bureaus

Credit reports and scores provide invaluable insight into the financial stability and payment records of your prospective tenant. An assessment of the same is crucial to ensure that you are renting your property to someone who can pay the rent on time, something that can be easily analyzed by checking their credit report and scores. TLO’s SmartMove service can help determine whether the applicant’s credit behavior is aligned with their self-reported income. The three major credit bureaus  or major credit reporting agencies are:  Equifax, Experian, and Transunion. One or more of these are often used to screen prospective tenants. Just be sure to bone up on tenant rights before you run a credit report.

How to Run a Background Check on a Tenant in Greensboro NC – Four Best Practices

Get Written Consent to Run a Credit Check & Tenant Screening Report

The first and probably the most important step is to get written consent, from the applicant. You and the applicant should be aware of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and that he or she feels okay if you conduct their background check. You can provide them with an FCRA disclosure and it is best that they sign saying they have received it.

You may also want to have copies of the Fair Housing Act, printed off, to provide the rental applicant. Without written consent, rental background investigations could result in fines and other legal actions. All of this can be included in the complete rental application.

It’s probably not enough for them to verbally provide this information or just write it down. We suggest making copies of their driver’s license and social security card and keep them in their file.

If you do require their driver’s license information, it’s a good idea to provide them with Driver License Protection Act (DLPA) disclosure as well. Covering your bases will prevent a lot of potential future headaches – trust us.

Collect Required Information

Once you’ve decided to screen prospective tenants, for your rentals, you should ask for the right documents and information. This includes –

  • The full name of the applicant
  • Date of birth
  • Social security number
  • Current and previous addresses
  • Income (possibly verification of income i.e. paystub)
  • Employment history
  • References, including previous landlord(s)

Choose Trusted Background Check Service in Greensboro North Carolina

The third and very crucial step of a rental background check is to choose the best screening service. A reputable tenant screening service, like E-Renter, adheres to federal and state laws and provides accurate and updated information promptly. Request a thorough background check, including checks on credit, income, rental history, eviction history, and criminal records to ensure quality assurance. Also, look into the services reviews and reputation. Make sure they’re on the up and up and have all the proper credentialing.

You should prioritize services that comply with FCRA regulations and also provide comprehensive reports, including credit history, criminal records, eviction history, and more.

criminal background check greensboro north carolina

Analyze the Results and Make an Informed Decision 

The fourth step of a tenant background screening is to analyze the reports fetched by the tenant background screening service and determine the applicant’s suitability as a renter. Some of the things you can do are – evaluate the debt-to-income ratio. It reveals how much of a person’s income goes towards paying debts. A low DTI reveals that the application has a good balance between income and debt and can probably clear its pending dues on time. A good DTI ratio is anything below 37 percent. Likewise, it is essential to consider the property type, the demographics, etc, while finalizing the suitability of a prospective tenant.

Wrapping Up – Background Checks on a Tenants 

….should always be considered before leasing your precious property. They should be considered a vital part of the rental application and it doesn’t just protect you, the landlord, but also the applicant. 

Once the applicant has been thoroughly screened, landlords need to take further action, like reaching out to references, confirming employment details, and ultimately determining the applicant’s suitability. This decision-making process should align with relevant laws and tenant rights.

It’s crucial for landlords to prioritize confidentiality and compliance with relevant regulations post-background check. Through vigilance and adherence to guidelines, landlords can effectively manage their rental properties while remaining lawful and respectful of tenant rights.

Just as an aside… Victory Investigations, in Greensboro, has assisted landlords and leasing agents with locating tenants that have “skipped-out” on their lease and payments and when they have left behind significant damages. Our private investigators have helped hundreds of landlords locate their former renters in order to have them served with legal process. If you have a situation that requires locating someone or skip tracing a debtor, former tenant and the like, reach out to our experts to assist.

Digital Forensics: Recovering Deleted Text Messages and Other Hidden Truths

digital forensics examiner gets deleted text messages
Digital Forensics Examiners North Carolina

Smartphones have become indispensable devices for communication and connectivity in our time. Almost everyone you see, at any given time, has one in their hand. They’re either browsing the web, making a call, texting a contact, or taking a picture. Smart cell phones are truly a wonder… One that moves data and information continuously. Voice calling capabilities on smartphones now encompass video calling options as well as traditional audio calls. Text messaging applications on smartphones allow for sending messages without strict character limits, incorporating graphical elements like emojis, customizing the appearance through features like handwriting fonts, and in some cases providing the ability to unsend or recall previously sent messages.

Recovering Deleted Text Messages an More

Our lives are intertwined with technology, which ultimately leaves behind a trail of digital footprints, with every interaction. From text messages and emails to social media posts and browsing history, our digital activities can provide valuable insights into our actions, relationships, and even thought processes. However, the deletion of data does not necessarily mean it is gone forever. Digital forensics, although not new, is constantly changing and getting better. Digital private investigators have developed advanced techniques and tools to recover deleted data, analyze it, bring it to light crucial evidence in various contexts, including criminal investigations, corporate disputes, and personal matters. Data that was once believed to be lost forever, can often times come back to haunt criminals, make dishonest employees sweat, and threaten secret affairs.

Recovering Deleted Data – Reveal Invisible Data to Bring the Truth Forward

The process of deleting data from a device does not erase it completely; instead, it merely removes the pointers or references that the operating system uses to locate and access that data. This means that the data itself still exists on the storage medium until it is overwritten by new information. Digital forensics experts leverage this concept to recover deleted data, employing specialized software and techniques to scour the nooks and crannies of storage devices, extracting valuable information that may have been thought lost forever. Some of these storage devices or containers of data have designated areas were deleted data is stored. Of course, this will vary depending on the device and/ or the operating system.  

Text Messages and Emails – Recovering the Crucial Conversations & Communications

Text messages and emails are among the most sought-after forms of digital evidence, as they can reveal critical communication patterns, timelines, and potentially incriminating or exonerating information. Digital private investigators can recover deleted text messages and emails from various sources, including mobile devices, cloud backups, and email servers. These recovered conversations can provide valuable insights into relationships, motives, and even alibis. Geo-location data is highly sought-after, revealing where the user may have been, at the time of a crime. Texting while driving is not only frowned upon, but is illegal in many states. We have been called to the defense of some folks that have been accused of using their phones when they’ve been involved in an accident. These can prove to be particularly difficult, as smart phones are constantly “talking” with the cellular networks and even exchanging data, behind the scenes with applications on the phone.

Images and Videos – Getting Deleted Pictures and other Media

Visual evidence can be equally powerful, and digital forensics has developed techniques to recover deleted pictures and videos from various sources, including smartphones, cameras, and computer hard drives. These recovered files can shed light on events, locations, and even emotions captured in those moments. Digital Forensics experts can also analyze metadata, such as timestamps and geolocation data, to establish timelines and verify the authenticity of visual evidence.

Other Online Activities – Show the Hidden Patterns

Beyond text messages, emails, images, and videos, digital forensics can also recover other forms of communication, such as social media activity, chat logs, and even deleted internet browsing history. These recovered data points can help piece together a comprehensive picture of an individual’s digital footprint, revealing patterns, associations, and potential motives. Virtual private investigators are experts in recovering the following”

Computer and mobile device forensic analysis can extract a wide range of data, including:

– Call logs detailing incoming, outgoing, and missed calls

– Contact lists/address books 

– Message content across SMS, messaging apps, and multimedia messages

– Multimedia files like photos, videos, audio recordings, and in some cases voicemail messages

Internet history including browsing activity, search history, cookies, analytics data

– Calendar events, task lists, notes

– User-created documents, spreadsheets, presentations and other files

Passcodes, passwords, unlock patterns, account credentials

– Historical geolocation data and cell tower location information 

– WiFi network connection details

– User dictionary/learned words

– Data from installed applications

– System files, usage logs, error logs

– Potentially recoverable deleted data

Mobile devices can contain a significant amount of personal information and data related to a user’s activities and communications. When such information is relevant to a particular matter, digital forensics investigators can provide data extraction and analysis services to recover and examine this device data.

Spyware and malware detection is another aspect of digital forensics investigations. Suspicious activities like unexplained device behavior, rapid battery drain, indications of monitoring, or coded/unknown communications could potentially be signs of spyware or surveillance software installed on a computer or mobile device. Virtual private investigator firms offer spyware detection services to identify if such malicious software is present and active on a system. Common capabilities of spyware include monitoring calls, texts, locations, app usage, multimedia files, internet activities, emails, contacts/calendars and enabling remote control functionality over the compromised device.

Top Digital Forensics Tools and Software for Deleted Data Recovery

To navigate the intricate world of digital evidence, digital private investigators rely on a range of powerful tools and software. Here are a few of the industry’s leading solutions:

Forensic Toolkit (FTK)

Developed by AccessData, Forensic Toolkit (FTK) is a comprehensive digital forensics platform that offers a suite of tools for data acquisition, analysis, and reporting. It supports a wide range of file systems and can recover deleted data from various sources, including hard drives, mobile devices, and cloud storage.

EnCase Forensic

EnCase Forensic, created by OpenText, is a widely used digital forensics solution known for its robust data acquisition and analysis capabilities. It features advanced search and filtering options, allowing investigators to quickly locate and examine relevant evidence.


AXIOM, developed by Magnet Forensics, is a powerful digital forensics platform designed for both mobile and computer forensics. It offers advanced data carving techniques, allowing investigators to recover deleted data from various sources, including cloud storage and encrypted devices.

Oxygen Forensic Detective

Oxygen Forensic Detective is a specialized tool for mobile device forensics, capable of extracting and analyzing data from a wide range of smartphones and tablets. It supports over 36,000 device profiles and can recover deleted data, including messages, call logs, and location data.

These tools, along with many others, equip digital forensics experts with the necessary capabilities to uncover deleted data and unveil hidden truths, ensuring that justice prevails and accountability is upheld in the digital age.

How to Completely and Permanently Delete Text Messages and Other Data

So, if you want to completely and permanently delete your data, you will need to perform a factory reset of your device. Now you ask, how do I permanently delete ONLY specific items? Well, you would need to delete the target items, from your cell phone. Then make a complete backup of the phone. You will want to perform a factory reset, at this time. Once all of that is done, then restore the backup you made to the cell phone.

This does not cover you for any data that may be store in cloud backups. You would need to delete those backs to once and for all and forever get rid of the data you targeted for deletion. Couple of things to note, however…. IF your phone is subject to subpoena or you have been provided a notice not to alter, delete, compress, conceal, etc., and you do, you could be held in contempt or worse, charged criminally. These spoliation clauses are very commonly used in domestic divorce cases and other types of cases. And many many times we have had the opportunity to examine a spouse’s device to gather evidence of their illicit affair. It can be quite embarrassing, but if you do delete, we will either recover the evidence OR we will be able to tell if you’ve made attempts to permanently delete data. Ultimately, you will be held accountable, so chose your battles wisely.

Digital Private Investigators – Victory Investigations

If you feel that you are in need of a virtual private investigator that is skilled in recovering deleted text messages or other data, reach out to the digital forensics experts at Victory Investigations.

What is an Alienation of Affection Claim?

Private investigators are often hired to help obtain evidence of an extramarital affair. Victory Investigations specializes in infidelity investigations and has helped thousands of clients prove adultery in North Carolina.

Infidelity is like a wrecking ball to a family—it can tear down even the sturdiest marriages. While some couples weather the storm, many end up calling it quits, diving headfirst into separation and divorce. But it doesn’t stop there—cheating can also land you in hot water legally, with claims like “alienation of affection” and “criminal conversation,” also known as “heart-balm torts.”

What is Alienation of Affection and Criminal Conversation?

Alienation of affection is a legal concept, within family law, that allows a spouse to sue a third party who is believed to have caused the deterioration of the marital relationship. In essence, it refers to the interference of a third party in a marriage, leading to the loss of love, affection, or marital harmony between spouses.

To prove alienation of affection and criminal conversation, the jilted spouse has to show their marriage was all roses before the affair, and that the paramour’s actions caused the downfall. They can demand damages for everything from emotional pain to financial losses. And get this—even without getting physical, the claim still holds water, though it usually involves some steamy texts or secret meetings.

It is important to note that the term “criminal” is merely used as a label, as this tort is a civil action, not a criminal one.

What Type of Proof or Evidence is Needed to Prove an Alienation of Affection Claim?

alienation of affection north carolina criminal conversation
Adultery can lead to alienation of affection lawsuits.

How to prove alienation of affection against a defendant.

In order to assert a claim for alienation of affection, a plaintiff must prove that there was genuine love within the marriage prior to the wrongful act of an extramarital relationship. If genuine love and affection can be proven, then it may be possible to sue for alienation of affection. Ways to demonstrate that a loving and affectionate marriage existed could be pictures of the couple, together and showing affection; love notes and/ or diary entries, trips together, and testimony of friends and family.

If the betrayed spouse can establish that the relationship was indeed a loving one, then they can sue a defendant for emotional distress and alienating their spouse from them and seek punitive damages from the paramour. A family law attorney will file an alienation of affection claim on your behalf, within the statute of limitations.

Can a Private Investigator Prove Adultery and Provide Evidence for an Alienation of Affection Lawsuit?

Usually, evidence of the affair can be demonstrated through video and pictures and/ or explicit communications, such as text messages between the spouse and their lover. Often, a private investigator is hired by an individual that believes their spouse or significant other is . The objective is to document the adultery or infidelity, through surveillance activities, with video or pictures of the spouse and the spouse’s paramour. Ideally, the pictures and video should show affection between the spouse and third party (i.e. kissing, hugging, holding hands, etc.). Another crucial piece of evidence that should be obtained is “opportunity“. This would be the opportunity for the cheating lovers to act out on those affections, behind closed doors. Once the spouse and the paramour are demonstrated to be engaged in a sexual relationship, the plaintiff has a case for adultery in North Carolina.

At this point the jilted spouse and their attorney can file a cause of action for adultery and alienation of affection, as they have evidence that the loving marriage was destroyed, through the act of having the affair. The third party, through his or her actions is believed to have deprive the plaintiff of the affections of their spouse.  

Cheating Spouse and Their Lover… Considerations for Liability

A family law attorney in your area may advise not to pursue the defendant for several reasons, but one of the main reasons is that it can be expensive to pursue. It may also be that the defendant does not have the wherewithal to pay compensatory damages as a result of an alienation of affection case. Another consideration may be that the cheating spouse may make extraordinary claims that the marriage was far from perfect and begin angling to defend his or her lover. This can demonstrate that the marriage was perfect in only the plaintiff’s eyes. Which brings us to the defenses of this criminal conversation claim.  

What are Typical Defenses to an Alienation of Affection Lawsuit?

So, you have the evidence of explicit text messages and extensive telephone calls between the spouse and the third party. You have video and pictures of the couple’s love for one another used as evidence. And you know that you had a loving bond with your spouse before the sexual relations began with the third party, BUT all of a sudden your spouse claims otherwise. This is usually due to them coming to the defense of the third party. You may hear objections coming from the other side that the defendant may claim to have had no idea that your spouse was married. Your spouse may even state that they hid their marriage from the third party and they, indeed, did not know of the relationship prior to the civil claim.

Your cheating spouse may state that, although you have been living under the same roof, that you’ve in essence have been living separate and apart by sleeping in separate bedrooms. We’ve also seen where the unfaithful spouse has claimed deprivation of sex from their husband or wife. Economic adultery and controlling claims have also been asserted in defense of a tort of alienation of affection. 

What States Recognize Alienation of Affection?

six states recognize alienation of affection - north carolina
North Carolina recognizes Alienation of Affection.

Can I sue for Alienation of Affection and Criminal Conversation?

There are six states that recognize alienation of affection:  Hawaii, North Carolina, Mississippi, New Mexico, Utah, and South Dakota.

In nearly every adultery case that is headed towards divorce, our clients want to pursue a lawsuit against the third party under North Carolina’s alienation of affection laws. It is a common law that is discussed between clients and their attorneys. Obviously, the harmed party must somehow provide evidence of the affair and must prove the following in order to have a legal claim: The loving marriage has suffered due to the actions of the cheating spouse and third party. The marriage began to suffer when and because of the illicit affair and cause harm to the faithful spouse. The mental anguish precludes the forgiveness and possible reparation of the marital relationship. As a result and due to the alienation of spouse’s affections, the faithful married spouse may be entitled to damages

We are NOT attorneys and this article should NOT be considered legal advice. If you are in need of legal advice, reach out to an attorney OR call us so that we may refer you to one.

What Private Investigators Can and Cannot Do: Legal Limits Explained

what private investigators can do and can't do

What A Private Investigator Can Do and What PI’s Cannot Do

Private investigators, or PIs, are hired by individuals, attorneys, or corporations to gather information about people, businesses, groups, or locations. However, they must follow strict rules and regulations to avoid breaking local or state laws and causing undue harm to the Subject’s that are under investigation.

In this article, we’ll explore the roles and responsibilities of PIs, their permissible actions (i.e. what a PI can do and what a PI can’t do), and why their services are often necessary. PIs are skilled professionals who employ innovative techniques to investigate individuals, businesses, or locations, always staying within legal boundaries.

They can be hired for various reasons, such as investigating behavior, monitoring business activities, or uncovering fraud. PIs perform diverse tasks, including background checks, surveillance, providing reports with court-admissible evidence, and locating missing persons. However, they must adhere to state laws and ethical standards to avoid legal issues.

Although PIs gather evidence discreetly, they lack the authority to arrest individuals. They are NOT sworn law enforcement officers. They will, however, present evidence to law enforcement or clients while maintaining confidentiality and legal compliance.

PIs must respect privacy and avoid unauthorized surveillance or data collection, sticking to legal means like field surveillance or accessing public records.

In essence, PIs are essential for gathering evidence within legal and ethical boundaries. Their adherence to guidelines ensures valuable support in investigative matters.

What Do Private Investigators Do?

Private investigators and private detectives perform various services, such as surveillance, GPS tracking of vehicles or other objects, in-depth background research, social media investigations and monitoring, private security or executive protection, service of process and much more. Often times private detectives are specialists. They will chose to specialize in an area of expertise, such as criminal defense, skip tracing, surveillance, or workers compensation fraud investigations. Victory Investigations specializes in infidelity matters, technical surveillance countermeasures and digital forensics

Why Someone Hires A Private Investigator.

People hire private investigators for a variety of reasons. The reasoning usually depends on the information or evidence they seek to obtain. A private investigator must navigate the complex web of legal boundaries while conducting their private investigation. For example, a crucial aspect that a licensed PI is well-versed in is understanding when and how they can legally gather information about a person. Laws regarding what investigators can and cannot do vary from state to state. For instance, while it’s critical to know that a private investigator cannot break the law, such as by choosing to trespass on private property without consent, there are grey areas. They can utilize various database resources to find financial information, criminal records, and dig up assets, .

Furthermore, when it comes to surveillance, the rules about what private investigators can and can’t do are stringent. They cannot take photos in private places without the consent of the parties involved. Laws around audio recordings also highlight the differences between one party consent and two-party consent states, which means a private investigator may or may not be able to record a conversation without all parties involved knowing. Of course, this varies by state. Moreover, private investigators cannot hack into someone’s phone records or employ a wiretap without consent, showcasing the fine line private investigators must walk between gathering information and respecting privacy.

However, there are 5 things private investigators…

are proficient at, which include legally gathering vast amounts of information, tracking a person’s activities, conducting background checks, finding missing people, and uncovering potential fraud. These capabilities serve as reasons why individuals and corporations may hire private investigators. It is the precise knowledge of what private investigators can gain access to and the understanding of the limitations imposed on their operations that emphasize the importance of engaging a licensed private investigator. The adherence to legal limits emphasizes that while private investigators are able to provide invaluable services, they are bound by laws designed to protect the privacy and rights of all parties involved.

Can a Private Investigator Arrest Someone?

Private investigators must follow certain guidelines and laws when conducting private investigations. A licensed private investigator may gather information about a person without the consent of all parties involved, as long as there is one-party consent in the state. However, they cannot trespass on private property or break the law in the process.

Private investigators can provide security services, in some states, but they cannot arrest people. Arresting someone can only be done by a sworn law enforcement officer and within their jurisdiction. Even if a private investigator witnesses a crime, they cannot make an arrest. They must inform law enforcement, so that they may take action. Of course, if it is a life or death situation, anyone should act to protect the innocent.

Can Private Investigators Carry a Badge?

Some states allow private investigators to carry badges. Where problems can arise is when, how and where the badge is displayed. It is advised and often dictated that a badge NOT be displayed (in view) in public, by a private investigator or private detective. This is because it can be construed that the PI is attempting to impersonate a police officer or law enforcement official. Big no no. So, one might ask when and how could a badge be used or displayed by a private detective. One example would be, say the private investigator is working in an executive protection capacity or as private security, and a crime is being committed. The PI would, of course, attempt to protect his Subject(s) and contact law enforcement. When law enforcement arrives the badge could be displayed to the police to show that the investigator is one of the “good guys”. In reality, there’s very few permissible purposes for a non-sworn private investigator to display a badge.

Are Private Investigators Allowed to “Spy” on You?

Privacy laws are hotter than a jalapeño on a summer day, and private investigators better be on their toes to stay out of legal troubles with federal law enforcement, the state regulatory departments, and the local law enforcement. You might think private eyes are all about snooping in the shadows like they do in the movies (we do some, btw, the correct ways), but NO trespassing. Let me tell you, that’s a one-way ticket to legal trouble! Everybody’s got a right to their own space, whether it’s their home sweet home, their backyard oasis, or someone else’s private pad. Cross that line, and it’s cuffs faster than you can say “private eye.”

surveillance video and pictures
Private investigator taking video during surveillance

But hey, if you’re out in the open, fair game, right? Private detectives can snap pics and keep tabs on you in public areas as part of their services. Still, they better brush up on their local laws ’cause they don’t wanna end up on the wrong side of the law with their camera in hand. It’s all about playing by the rules when it comes to using those snapshots and recordings for their investigations.

Wiretapping, “bugs”, cell phone monitoring and compromising a persons network or computer is illegal without consent. A PI should not provide these services.

Are Private Investigators Hackers?

Let’s dissect this often misused and misunderstood term, “Hacker” and “hacking”. Virtually anyone can poses the skills and knowledge to perform hacking activities. Private investigators are not hackers, simply by being private investigators. Remember earlier when we mentioned that PI’s may chose to work within a specialty? Same thing here… A private investigator may specialize in certain areas of investigation that demands the knowledge and skills that a hacker would need. For example, penetration testing or pen-testing is a “white hat” hacking activity or service. This is where a company or institution would hire a pen-tester to come in and test the security of their network(s). The private investigator pen-tester would deploy exploits towards the company’s IT infrastructure to see if there are any vulnerabilities and then make recommendations for patching these threats to their security. One does NOT need to be a private investigator to be a penetration tester and vice versa, but they do exist and this is just one example of a type of hacking a private investigator may do. At Victory Investigations, we are a more technology forward private investigation agency, focused on digital forensics and advanced OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) services. We do not perform pen-testing, however, we hold Certified Professional Ethical Hackers (C|PEH) designation. With that said, we do not provide that service, rather we use that knowledge to better serve our clients in regards to their digital forensics needs.

Black Hat Hackers are what most folks think of when they think of hacking. These sorts of hackers do exist and use their knowledge to do harm, usually by stealing proprietary or sensitive data to later use against the person, company, or institution from which they stole the data. People ask us all the time if we, as private investigators, will do something nefarious to gain some insight or knowledge into a competitor of theirs, their spouse, or maybe even a neighbor. Our answer is always the same…. Can we do things like that? Maybe BUT, we won’t. Private investigators in North Carolina are licensed, by the state, and regulated by general statute. We are also bound to certain ethical standards. Now, are there unscrupulous investigators out there? I’m sure there are, but we are not one. Black hat hacking are not things that legitimate and respectable private investigators do. 

Can a Private Investigator Video or Take Pictures Through A Window?

Generally speaking a private investigator can video or take pictures of people in public and from a public position. A PI should not take pictures through a window of a home – to the inside, where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. However, anything visible, outside the home, on a deck, in the yard, or even a screened porch would probably be fair game. Private investigators are not allowed to trespass, so their vantage point should be from a public position. What about inside a car or other vehicle? We have taken pictures and video through the windows of vehicles. We have captured affection between adulterers and drug use most often, while filming into a vehicle.

Can a Private Investigator Record Audio Conversations?

Private investigators can record audio conversations that they are a party to, without disclosing that they are recording to the other parties, in North Carolina. With that said, the legalities of audio recording of conversations vary from state to state. Be sure you are following your state’s laws regarding recording conversations, before taking that action. You could get in a lot of trouble AND whatever you record may not be admissible in court. Here is a link that may help you learn about what your state allows:  Laws Regarding Recording Audio

Can a Private Investigator Confidential Banking Information?

No, private investigators cannot legally obtain confidential banking information without either consent or court order. There is certain information that can be obtained, but there must be a permissible purpose to do so. One such permissible purpose would be to obtain asset information for a collection action or child support action. But again, the information obtained would be limited and not include sensitive data.

Can Private Investigators Access Other People’s Social Media Accounts?

Yes. Private investigators access public facing social media accounts and use the information gleaned from posts, comments, and images to assist in their investigations. Private social media accounts cannot be accessed despite popular belief. There are some that will create fake accounts and attempt to befriend their target on social media. However, this practice goes against the terms of service of the social media platforms and information obtained in this way would likely not be admissible.

Are Private Investigators Allowed to Serve Legal Documents? Service of Process Explained.

Yes. Service of Process is a service that is often provided by private investigators. Usually, however, this is only after attempts have failed by the sheriff or other law enforcement. Again, a PI may not trespass to effect service and it is important that the investigator follow their state’s laws regarding serving legal documents or risk the job as being regarded as “improper service”. In North Carolina, an investigator must personally deliver a subpoena, but a summons and complaint can be sub-served or substitute service can suffice. It is always optimal, however, to deliver the legal documents to the specific person(s) named. Many people will attempt to avoid being served and in this situations a private eye is usually called in to assist. A PI will use “wait time” or surveillance to their advantage in order to get the person served. Or they may discover where the person to be served is employed and serve them there. Private investigators do not wear a uniform, so the defendant or person of interest will not suspect a plain clothed person to walk up to them and hand them the documents they’ve been avoiding to receive.

Can a Private Investigator Trespass to Serve Legal Documents?

As mentioned previously, no a private investigator cannot trespass

Where Do Private Investigators Get Their Information?

Private investigators have a wealth of resources at their disposal. In addition to these resources, many PIs have become very savvy at obtaining hard to get information, through becoming experts in OSINT. From detailed and advanced queries to accessing the deep and dark webs, investigators can acquire more information than most of the general public. Public databases are fantastic resources, but a lot of people do not know where to look and more importantly how to look or use these sources effectively. There are also databases that someone without a license cannot gain access to. Many p-eyes have access to one or more of these databases. The will include more sensitive data and other credit header information. Do not discount the skills and access that a private investigator can have.

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