PI Tips: How To Catch A Cheating Spouse

It’s every persons worst nightmare. A cheating spouse can be emotionally devastating, causing rifts in your relationship that may be unrepairable. Before jumping to conclusions, it is important to gather all the facts. Hiring a private investigator can give you the information and the peace of mind you need to move on.

There are several useful tactics a seasoned private investigator may use to catch your spouse in the act. He or she knows how to catch a cheating spouse using solid evidence which you may be able to use in court if the need arises.

Having someone unlicensed attempt to “spy” on your spouse by following him or her can be risky business and it is in fact, it’s illegal. PIs have a license for surveillance, this relieves them of any legal repercussions when they are following and/or monitoring your spouse. Your PI can also testify in court and present the evidence they collected during investigation to the judge for review.

Hiring a PI can also relieve you of having to compile evidence yourself, this can be cumbersome if you are still living with your husband or wife. Attempting to catalog evidence or asking too many questions can spark painful arguments. This can especially upset any children that live in the home.

In addition to surveillance, your PI will also search through your spouse’s financial transactions. Cheating can be expensive and there is usually a paper trail. During this investigation, your PI will look for purchases for clothing, jewelry, and restaurant or hotel receipts. A professional PI will also search for hidden bank accounts or secret credit card accounts.

Your PI will also run a background check on your spouse. The lying may have began before you were even married; holding back information such as past marriages/divorces. A good PI will try to find any indication of a reoccurring pattern of past infidelity.

Dealing with the possibility of spousal infidelity can be crushing. It is important to use a professional private investigator who can get the facts so you can make the best decision about your next move. Trust the experts at Victory Investigations. We invite you contact us today for more information. We also invite you to join us on Google+!

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