Human audited background checks by professional private investigators.
There are literally hundreds of websites that offer background checks to the general public. These online services seem like a great resource for information on people. Although they provide fast results, the results are not always fresh or accurate. The problem with these type of services is that there is no quality assurance apllied. They merely aggregate data and that data is often times incorrect and will even include data from people, other than your subject. This where a professional can make a real difference.
Private investigators can offer an added layer of quality assurance through their professional review of the data. In addition, private investigators have access to data that is updated far more often than these online sources. The databases private investigators use are usually ones that the general public do not have access to and they will check multiple sources to help validate their findings.
When you get a background check from Victory Investigations, you are getting the newest and most comprehensive data available at that moment in time. We use multiple databases that include information directly from credit bureaus, local aggregators, national collectors, DMV, vital records, courthouse criminal records, and many many other providers.
Background checks are a relatively low-cost service that can provide much needed peace of mind…
Let’s face it… Going into business with someone that you don’t know very well or online dating can be scary. A background check could save you from a lot of difficulties and expense in the long term. Victory Investigations’ professional private investigators can provide detailed information on almost anyone in the United States to help you make a better business or personal decision.
What types of information shows up in a background check?
We have access to data on over 97% of the population aggregated from over 10,000 sources, creating one of the most robust proprietary data solutions in the world, which allows us to deliver maximum results for your situation.
- Full names and aliases
- Court records
- Driving records
- Bankruptcies
- Known addresses
- Know phone numbers
- Employment information (not always, but often times)
- Business ownership
- Employment references (pre-employment – consent necessary)
- Education verification
- Criminal history
- Property liens
- Licensing records
- Relatives
- Neighbors
- Associates
- Vehicles owned
- Sex offender status
- Permit records
- Email addresses (known and associated)
- Social media information
- Litigation records
- …… and much more
We also have access to vehicle sightings around the US. These have proven to be very effective in recovering stolen vehicles or for repossession operations, locating children that have been taken by a parent outside of the custody agreement, determining place of employment, recent address changes, service of process, and much more.
So, what type of background check do you need?
Criminal Records Background – Dishonest Employees – Deadbeat Parent – Online Dating – Who’s watching your child?
Are you involved in a custody disagreement? Find out who your child is being exposed to and if they have concerning criminal charges or convictions by getting a criminal background check completed by one of our private investigators.
Need to vet a potential business partner or do you have a questionable employee? Have us look to see if you really know who these people are.
Met someone online, but you have some questions about their past? Allow us to do a background check to verify if the person is who they really say they are.