The Complex Link Between Narcissism and Infidelity

Narcissism, a personality trait characterized by grandiosity, a sense of entitlement, and a lack of empathy, can have significant implications on relationships and interpersonal dynamics. One area where narcissism often manifests itself is in the context of infidelity. In this article, we will explore the complex link between narcissism and infidelity, shedding light on the reasons behind this behavior and its impact on partners and relationships.

Understanding Narcissism:

Narcissism is a psychological trait that exists on a spectrum, ranging from healthy self-confidence to pathological narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Individuals with NPD exhibit an excessive preoccupation with themselves, seeking constant admiration and validation while showing little regard for the feelings and needs of others.

  1. Need for Validation:

Narcissists crave validation and attention, often seeking it from multiple sources. This constant hunger for admiration can drive them to engage in infidelity as it provides a sense of conquest and validation of their attractiveness and desirability.

  1. Entitlement and Lack of Empathy:

Narcissists often feel entitled to have their desires met, regardless of the consequences for others. The lack of empathy in narcissists can lead them to pursue extramarital affairs without considering the emotional toll it takes on their partners.

  1. Thrill-Seeking Behavior:

Narcissists are often drawn to excitement and novelty. The pursuit of new romantic conquests can serve as a way to feed their need for stimulation and excitement, regardless of the potential harm to their committed relationships.

The Connection to Infidelity:

  1. Seeking Narcissistic Supply:

Infidelity can be a means for narcissists to obtain narcissistic supply, which refers to the attention, admiration, and affirmation they crave. Engaging in affairs provides them with an external source of validation, boosting their ego and self-esteem.

  1. Maintaining a Sense of Control:

Narcissists thrive on control and power. Engaging in infidelity can give them a sense of power over their partners and relationships, as they maintain secrecy and manipulate emotions to ensure they remain in a dominant position.

  1. Avoiding Intimacy and Vulnerability:

Intimacy and emotional vulnerability can be intimidating for narcissists. Engaging in extramarital affairs allows them to avoid deep emotional connections and the vulnerability that comes with genuine intimacy.

Impact on Partners and Relationships:

Infidelity driven by narcissism can have devastating effects on partners and relationships:

  1. Betrayal and Emotional Wounds:

The discovery of infidelity can lead to profound feelings of betrayal and emotional trauma for the betrayed partner. It shatters the trust and emotional bond between the couple, leaving the betrayed partner questioning their self-worth and the authenticity of the relationship.

  1. Cycle of Deception:

Narcissists are adept at deception and manipulation, making it challenging for their partners to discern the truth. This cycle of lies and deceit can further erode trust and create an atmosphere of constant doubt and insecurity.

  1. Emotional Manipulation:

Narcissists may use gaslighting and emotional manipulation to deflect blame and avoid taking responsibility for their actions. This can leave the betrayed partner feeling confused, invalidated, and emotionally drained.

Seeking Help and Healing:

Coping with the aftermath of infidelity linked to narcissism requires immense strength and support:

  1. Individual Counseling:

For the betrayed partner, seeking individual counseling can help in processing emotions, rebuilding self-esteem, and gaining clarity on whether to continue or end the relationship.

  1. Setting Boundaries:

Establishing clear boundaries and expectations with the narcissistic partner is essential. Enforcing consequences for repeated infidelity is crucial to maintaining self-respect and encouraging accountability.

  1. Couples Therapy:

In cases where both partners are willing to work on the relationship, couples therapy can provide a platform for open communication, addressing underlying issues, and rebuilding trust.


Understanding the complex link between narcissism and infidelity is crucial in navigating the challenges it poses to relationships. Narcissistic traits can drive individuals to seek external validation and excitement through affairs, causing profound emotional wounds for their partners. Healing from such betrayal requires self-reflection, support, and, in some cases, professional intervention to rebuild trust and foster a healthier dynamic within the relationship.

In-Depth Background Searches: Unveiling the Truth Beyond the Surface

In today’s digital age, where information flows abundantly and instantaneously, conducting a thorough background search has become an indispensable tool for various purposes. Whether it’s for employment screening, tenant verification, online dating, or due diligence before entering into significant transactions, an in-depth background search unveils critical information that might be concealed beneath the surface. In this article, we explore the importance, methods, and ethical considerations of conducting comprehensive background searches.

The Importance of In-Depth Background Searches

In a world where appearances can be deceiving, relying solely on first impressions or surface-level information can lead to unfortunate consequences. By diving deeper into an individual’s past, we can uncover vital details that may affect our decisions and judgments. Employers can ensure they hire trustworthy and qualified candidates, landlords can protect their properties from potential risks, and individuals can safeguard themselves from dangerous or fraudulent encounters.

Methods of In-Depth Background Searches

  1. Online Research: The internet is a treasure trove of information. Social media profiles, public records, news articles, and online publications provide valuable insights into a person’s character, past activities, and affiliations. Specialized search engines, social media platforms, and online databases can be leveraged to gather pertinent information.
  2. Public Records: Government agencies maintain a plethora of public records, including criminal history, court proceedings, property ownership, and financial data. Accessing such records, often available through official websites, can help paint a more complete picture of an individual’s background.
  3. Employment and Educational History: Verifying an individual’s employment and educational history is essential for determining their qualifications and authenticity. Contacting past employers, institutions, and references can validate the accuracy of the information provided.
  4. Reference Checks: Speaking with personal and professional references can offer valuable insights into an individual’s character, work ethic, and reliability. Honest feedback from people who have interacted closely with the subject can be crucial in forming a well-rounded perspective.
  5. Professional Background Screening Services: Employing reputable background screening agencies can significantly enhance the depth and accuracy of the search. These agencies have access to vast databases and expertise in conducting thorough investigations, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.

Ethical Considerations in Background Searches

While conducting in-depth background searches can yield invaluable information, it is crucial to observe ethical principles to safeguard individual privacy and prevent discrimination. Here are some essential ethical considerations:

  1. Consent: Always seek the individual’s consent before conducting a background search. This is especially important in personal contexts and can also be a legal requirement in many jurisdictions.
  2. Non-Discrimination: Base decisions on relevant and lawful criteria, avoiding any form of discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or other protected characteristics.
  3. Accuracy and Verification: Double-check the information obtained during the search to ensure its accuracy and authenticity. Inaccurate data can lead to erroneous judgments and unfair treatment.
  4. Secure Handling of Information: Safeguard all collected information from unauthorized access or misuse to protect the individual’s privacy.


In-depth background searches are powerful tools that allow us to uncover crucial information beyond what is readily apparent. Whether in professional or personal contexts, conducting such searches responsibly and ethically is of utmost importance. It empowers us to make well-informed decisions, safeguard ourselves from potential risks, and foster trust in various relationships and interactions. By striking a balance between privacy and the need for information, we can harness the potential of background searches to create a safer and more transparent society.

An App That Allows You To Spy On People’s Instagram… Sort of.

Want To Spy On Your Instagram Followers Locations?

This App allows you to track your instagram followers’ locations and use that data to identify their habits. I know, cause I used it once on a case I was working. It helped me track someone that I needed to get surveillance video and information on.

This app uses followers’ geotagged posts and stories to draw a detailed map of places visited by anyone that has an Instagram account. The app is called “Who’s In Town” and can be installed on an iPhone or Android device.

Who’s in Town is designed to show you where your friends and followers might be, at the moment, but it really does much more than that. Once the app is downloaded and you give it permission to access your Instagram account, you will see an interactive map with every place, that the people you follow have been and shared, since the creation of their Instagram account profile.

I know you’re saying to yourself:  “But, this information has always been available as long as they’ve shared it.” And you’d be correct, however, Who’s in Town aggregates ALL data points into comprehensive chronology history of a user’s frequented places. The app also updates in real time, so it’s entirely possible for someone to know where a user is, at any given moment, as long as the user is posting geotagged data as they mosey about their day.

The app can tell what restaurants, coffee shops, and bars your “friends” frequent, when they were last there, and paint a nearly perfect picture of their daily lives that would not be as obvious by just looking at their individual posts or perusing their most recent stories. BTW, stories are archived and reach back for long periods of time.

So, with the case I mentioned, at the beginning of this write up, the person of interest’s Instagram account was private. I sent them a follow request and they, in turn followed me back. It was a shot in the dark, but hey it worked. They trusted my Instatgram account because we had a lot of mutual connections (hint, hint). This person geotagged nearly every single post and story clip. BINGO! I was in business, because in this particular situation, I did not have a permissible purpose to place a GPS tracker. Yeah, I could glean where they went and sometimes when they went there by just studying the pictures, but why not let Who’s in Town do the heavy lifting? I needed to know where this person worked and when they got off, so that I could follow them on specific days. I also needed to know when they weren’t going to be home, so I could place a camera across the street and know when to access it without getting caught.

The app worked perfectly and was huge help for my case. I learned what coffee shop, restaurants, bars, and gym they frequented. I even figured out that they mowed a person’s yard every single Saturday, unless it rained. And if it did happen to rain on Saturday, I knew I could find them at a particular pool hall. I learned who they hung out with most frequently and even on certain nights. I could almost set my watch by how consistent this target was.

The app’s creator, Erick Barto, said:  “The amount of data is insane.” “It’s the equivalent of you going through every single story and writing down every single location, just consistently all the time.” He also said that the application discovered that 30 percent of people, posting to their stories over the weekend, geotagged a minimum of one location.

From a privacy standpoint, this raises obvious concerns… Aggregating data of someone’s daily routine could provide bad actors with data that can aid them in stalking or harassment or even theft because they’ll know when the person isn’t home or out of town and perhaps for how long. The app can reveal social connections and relationships by showing similarities across posts and stories. It can uncover hidden habits and people (like your boss for example) could infer certain things about a person and their regular activities.

The application does not do anything illegal or particularly difficult, but it does streamline a process that can be used by the good guys or the bad guys.

Once installed, the app pulls post information for the individuals you follow going back to the beginning of every person you follow account, and the geotags from stories posted that day. Since Instagram stories (and any geotags contained inside them) vanish following 24 hours, the older expired stories won’t be shown on the guide; notwithstanding, the more you have the application introduced, the more comprehensive the guide gets, as it gobbles up information from each newly created geotagged Instagram story shared by your connections.

spy on your instagram followers victory investigations 8 Dundas Cir., Suite H Greensboro, NC 27407 (336) 298-2034

The application has two distinct modes—general and single client. General mode shows you a diagram of each location of every follower with the places that they said they have been and when they said they were there, and links to those posts and or story where they show that. For people who follow many individuals, it’s an ocean of pins. Single-client mode permits you to follow a particular individual. Different pins blur away, leaving just one individual’s shared area history, which if they’re a substantial Instagram poster, it can uncover a shocking measure of data about their flow area and every day propensities. Who’s In Town can pull information from private Instagram accounts too. But only if the person that is using the app is a follower of the person whom has their profile set to private. It is not possible for Instagram account users to figure out if one of their friends is utilizing the app to gather and compile all their information, as it works outside of Instagram’s domain and just requires the one user’s consent to do what it does best.

Five of the Safest Cities to Visit: A Private Investigator’s Perspective

We all know there are risks when traveling. Traveling abroad can bring even more and unique risks. Our Greensboro private investigators have worked cases in over a dozen countries and on three different continents. We have seen, first-hand, some of the things that happen to tourists. Being experienced private investigators has allowed us to develop very acute observational skills and we have a much better understanding of human behavior than the average person. Odds are you’ve heard some stories of travelers becoming victims of a crime or being taken advantage of while on their vacation. Unfortunately, evil exists in all parts of the world and sometimes it can be difficult to avoid. With that said, choosing the right destination can be the first step to having a more safe vacation.  Here, we will discuss 5 different cities where you will have a very good chance of enjoying your adventure peacefully and incident-free. Today we will focus on some of the safest cities that are NOT located in the United States. These locations, around the world, make for great holiday destinations.

  • Singapore

Ah, Singapore… What a fantastic city to visit and gorgeous, just as the picture above demonstrates. Violent crimes including murder, assault, and theft are among the lowest in the world. Even police engagement is extremely low. Just as an example, Singapore touts a 135-day, completely crime-free streak, in 2017. There are over 100,000 surveillance cameras deployed throughout the island city and the bad guys know it. Cameras are a huge deterrent to crime, keeping citizens honest and less tempted to stray from the rule of law. Because of this safe environment, the citizens trust each other immensely. It is not uncommon for local businesses to not have windows, doors, or even locks. Singapore is positioning itself for a post-COVID world with massive investment in innovation to the tune of $14 Billion. Singapore is a captivating blend of influences from all over Asia. This city-state packs an unbelievable amount of creativity, culture, and commerce into just 240 square miles. While ultra-modern and business-focused, Singapore never loses sight of its history and heritage which makes it one of the most fascinating places in Asia. Singapore is served by Changi Airport, the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world when it comes to airports. I mean it’s been best in the world 30 times it’s won 480 Awards since 1981. And that’s all great, but why is it so good? Just let me tell you… FREE movie theater check (two of them actually), arcade check, free hotel transit check, and a free tour of Singapore. When you have to layover, be sure to check out the nature trail. The best airport in the world, so you’ve arrived at Changi Airport how do you get into town? Let’s do the cheapest fastest best – The bus is less than two Singapore dollars to get you right into the middle of town. Bus terminals are located below terminals one two and three. A taxi is around 20 to 30 Singapore dollars for the 20-minute ride into town. Just follow the signs in the arrivals hall and go through customs. The MRT is the cheapest, at just over two Singapore dollars. It’s fast and only 30 minutes into the center of town and so easy. The MRT is the best way to get from the airport into town. The airport MRT station is between terminals 2 & 3. I was fortunate enough to assist another private investigator at one of the casinos in Singapore. It was a fun assignment and involved due diligence into a couple of businessmen that a Client was considering investing with. He wanted to know more about their backgrounds and daily habits. Understandable when you’re about to invest several million into a venture in a different country.

  • Osaka, Japan

If you’ve never been to Japan, you’re definitely missing out on some fantastic food and scenery. One of our private investigators was fortunate to work a case in Osaka that lasted nearly a month and a half. She did not want to come back lol. There are 2.6 million people that live in Osaka, making it the second-largest Japanese city. It is also home to a very wealthy population and is considered the 2nd safest city, in terms of violent crime, just behind Singapore. Our agent was able to team up with a top-local investigator and get the job done for our Client with maximum results. The Client was so pleased with our results that he allowed our private investigator to stay an additional week, all expenses paid, to really see and enjoy the city. Just because Osaka is one of the safest cities, don’t think that it’s also boring. Osaka has stylish and interesting restaurants and a very happening nightlife. But, Japan’s legendary train Network is awesome. There’s a good chance you could be arriving in Osaka like the kids do on a train, a bullet train to be precise.  The network and that will get you pretty much anywhere in the city once you’ve arrived in Osaka on your trusty mechanical steed of choice; you have plenty of options for getting around this incredible city. But pay attention because there are some intricacies that can trip you up, if you don’t know about them. Osaka is served by seven different subway and railway companies, which to the uninitiated sounds overwhelming and confusing, but fear not, this being Japan the whole thing works beautifully. The Osaka subway system is the second-largest system in Japan, so it’s the obvious choice for getting around the city. If you’ve been to Tokyo (another very safe city, BTW) and you’ve used the subway system there, you’ll have no problem with their system. They are almost identical, right down to the signage and ticketing systems. Fares are based on the distance you’re traveling and start around 200. As a complement to the subway lines, there’s the Jr Osaka loop line, which as the clever name suggests runs in a loop around Osaka. It’s not quite as handy is the indispensable Yamanote, a line in Tokyo, but it does the trick getting you around the city and connected to other rail and subway lines. Again, tickets are based on distance and can be purchased from the multilingual machines in every station or using your pay-as-you-go card, so the one thing to note about when you’re topping up your card is the machines are in English and the instructions are in English. You pop it in but they only take cash no type of credit cards. Coins are fine, bills are fine, but they only take cash because of the fractured nature of the ownership of the various subway and railway lines. In Osaka it is absolutely imperative that you grab an IC or stored value card, otherwise technically every time you change lines, you have to buy a new ticket. Now, the version in Osaka is called the Akaka which we just learned means adorable. You can pick one up from one of the vending machines in the railway stations or from one of the main kiosks. But if you’re coming from another Japanese city, there’s a very good chance that the stored value system, from that city, will work in Osaka as well.

  • Reykjavik, Iceland

Wherever you step in this city, nature beckons you… Over windswept waters, across the mountains, and into limitless horizons. Many of the country’s most popular sights are within easy reach of Reykjavík, often by public transport. There are literally no areas to avoid in Reykjavik and homelessness, drugs, and crime are essentially non-existent. I should know because I have personally worked an adultery investigation that took me to this wonderful place. I got to follow the lovers ALL over. Not only did I get to take in the sights, I was also able to get great surveillance video of the cheating couple acting as if they were married. Reykjavik is an easy city for new travelers to explore as there is very little chance of being scammed by dishonest locals or being pickpocketed.  I also found the most beautiful building in all of Iceland. One could even argue the most stunning in all of Europe. The building is Harpa, a theater and conference center that has the most stunning architecture that I’ve ever seen. Its exterior is made almost entirely out of glass and the building is controversial for how expensive it was to build, in a time when Iceland’s economy didn’t need such a large building project, but it doesn’t matter the architectural marvel is there anyways I recommend it. For tourists to need a place to hang out before you check into your hotel as the evening settles in and the northern Sun still shines. The city becomes more alive, with a population of 220,000. For a relatively small city, I knew the people had to be somewhere. To finally see some crowds made me feel more comfortable and easier to hide from my targets in the city. I enjoyed walking around in the heart of it and walked around downtown a lot. I didn’t expect there to be so many restaurants, art and interesting details on the street. The central part of downtown alone has more than 100 restaurants, bars, galleries, and cafes. Really I came to this country for a private investigator job, but its natural beauty was good loved the urban style of its capital as well.  With the help of a city sightseeing tour bus that picked the cheating spouses and I up in front of Harpa. I was able to discover some other places I wouldn’t find on my own, so we boarded the bus and put in the headphones to listen to what the English narration had to say and see what else was special in this small northern capital city. They decided to get off on about the sixth or seventh stop of the tour and visit the national museum of Iceland. It was a bit further from the city center, but still a must for a city tour. The entrance was welcoming and led right to the beginning of the exhibits. Admission wasn’t bad at all and the exhibits inside were very much worth it. They were filled with real Viking artifacts; basically, everywhere they (and I) went through the entire history of Iceland up to modern times. It’s a wonderful place to learn some history and maybe if you go out on a tour on the island you might see one of the historical places mentioned. After all, Iceland has one of the best and longest fully documented histories. We waited for the bus so we could get to the next stop which was the Perlan, a beautiful glass structure that sits on top of six of Reykjavik. Hot water storage tanks you inside there was a beautiful interior, a gift shop and artificial geyser, a restaurant and café… And the most beautiful view of the city on the observation deck. Up there the force of the wind was magnified. I’ve said earlier that Reykjavik is a small city, but viewing it from the Perlan gave a wonderful panorama that makes one change their mind. And believe it or not, there were still plenty more places left around to enjoy.

Shchipkova Elena –
  • Vienna, Austria

The Austrian capital sits by a river. It has palaces, art galleries, museums, but has a very modern culture. Vienna appeals to travelers from all over the world. Mozart and Beethoven, both, lived here. Violent crimes and muggings are rare here. Just take the normal precautions against pickpockets and be logical when it comes to bargaining with locals and you’ll easily avoid getting robbed or scammed. One of our Greensboro private investigators spent 4 days in this glorious city. The unsuspecting couple had no idea they were being surveilled. Cheating wife and a cheating husband called us to this city and we were able to get all the evidence the Client needed to assert her case and get alimony for years to come. She was also able to prove alienation of affection and got a hefty settlement from the adulterous woman. The Schonbrunn Palace… You have to come see this palace because it’s gorgeous! Built in the 1600s 1700s, they kept remodeling and adding to it. It was essentially a wedding gift for Maria Teresa. It’s built an Anil classical architectural style. The palace itself is very pretty, very beautiful, but the gardens that they built around it I feel are more impressive. Then you have this kind of facade thingy appear on the top of the hill. It’s worth it to climb the hill to get a view of the palace. All of the inner and the Cathedral are seen out here on the horizon. It’s not a very difficult climb. Also, you should walk around the gardens because they’re really pretty and when they put up these gardens, they added pheasants and fowls and wild boars and stuff like that, so they could do some hunting on the grounds. To make it a summer retreat, they’d come here and hang out and have tea. The hops burst by the way and they would talk about which region of Europe they should conquer next. I mean there is a beautiful house here, but have you seen the leaves?? It truly is a photographer’s dream. But if you want to do more than just walk around and see the gardens then there’s also a zoo you can visit and a labyrinth. I did the labyrinth in 2019 and it was a lot of fun. The thing I like about this place is that it’s so large, that regardless of how many people are here, you can always find something that’s a little secluded, like the garden. And it’s so cool because you have it all to yourself. Then there are statues and of course the birds and the blue skies. St. Stephen’s Cathedral in the heart of the center of Vienna and the inner old city built in the eleven hundreds and rebuilt over the old churches finished. In this form you see it now in the 1300s it is a gorgeous Cathedral and if you go on TripAdvisor one of the first reviews when you login the first thing they say is “oh my God”, because it’s so pretty inside.

  • Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

Interestingly, over half of this middle-eastern city’s population is made up of ex-patriots. Many foreigners come to Abu Dhabi for business opportunities, but end up staying because of its extremely safe and easy-going atmosphere. Abu Dhabi is one of the safest cities in the Middle East, as well as in the world. Travelers have a very low risk of being mugged, pickpocketed, or scammed. Women that were asked how safe they felt in UAE, said that they felt as safe as they do in their home cities, just as long as you follow the rules. Two of our Greensboro private investigators once accompanied a businessman and a large sum of jewelry to this beautiful country. We provided an advance security analysis and mapped out the entire itinerary, before the important trip, to facilitate a business deal. Private detectives in Abu Dhabi were of great help and provided much-needed intel on a couple of people that were to meet with our Client. There’s something unusual about Abu Dhabi, the largest region of the United Arab Emirates. They’re thirsty for development I might describe it as over-the-top, but I don’t think they’ve decided where the top is yet. In 60 years the region has transformed from desert to cosmopolitan city and it keeps on growing, with luxurious malls and soaring high-rises. Surely they would have sufficient sidewalks of tourists right? Perhaps not. Oh well, I press on to see the sights, starting with Grand Mosque in the al Mokhtar district. But come prepared…. A strict dress code applies. The grand mosque can hold up to 41,000 worshippers it features over 1000 columns, gold-plated walls and chandeliers made with seemingly millions of crystals. It looks like something from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Like I could just eat those crystals. They’re kind of like best applied they’ll say something about it being very grounding about going barefoot on the carpet you can feel the texture of the place. Also, that everyone here is barefoot. Together everybody has the solidarity of the soul… And now we’re off to the Emirates Palace, the city’s iconic luxury hotel. I walked through the central quadrant of the Emirates Palace and it is my favorite word “opulent”. Just don’t tell the staff that I snuck in there wearing sandals or else I might get kicked out next visit. Nevertheless, I continued through the hotel to find other gems. The real point of coming to Abu Dhabi is to “feel rich.” (At least that’s what I heard one Client’s wife say to her lover, while spying on them during dinner.) Here, we have the world’s first gold vending machine and you can pick a currency, and then down here you can choose a design of something that you want or you can just get a gold coin. Then on to the hotel’s cultural museum and from what I understand, David Audio Islands is a new cultural concept that the government and Tourism Board of Abu Dhabi have come up with to educate the public about the history of Abu Dhabi and the Emirates, prior to the development in the region, which has made it such a modern metropolis that it is today.

I say all of this to say, that traveling abroad can be safe and rewarding as long as you chose the right places and plan accordingly. And if you ever find yourself needing international private investigation services, feel free to give us a call. Our private investigators have contacts all over the world and we’ve been to many cities and countries that lovers flock to for a romantic getaway. We’ve investigated other types of domestic cases that have taken us abroad as well. Once we traveled to Mexico to locate a child and assist authorities in getting the child back to his father here in the states. The mother had abducted their young daughter, during one of her scheduled visitations and never returned her. This is just one of many types of cases our professional private investigators conduct on a daily basis.

Coronavirus / COVID-19 & How To Find Someone That You’ve Lost Touch With – Skip Tracing For The Desperate

In a time of lockdowns, quarantine and self-isolation due to the Coronavirus, it’s possible that social distancing has got you thinking about how to find someone. This could be one or more people in your life who you have lost contact with, and who you might be desperate to find and connect with.

If you’re alone during this uncertain time, it’s also understandable that you would want to reach out to someone from your past. Perhaps you’re even thinking about reconnecting with someone that you had a relationship with many years ago before it was easy to keep in touch via texting and social media.

No matter what the reason, or who the person is, it’s possible to find someone that you’ve lost touch with through several “how to locate a person” methods. One of these processes is called skip tracing.

Skip tracing refers to tracking someone who has “skipped” town and is often used in the context of bail bonds or bounty hunting. This is also one of the many skills that we, as Private Investigators in Greensboro, specialize in.

Of course, in this case, the person you are looking for would not have necessarily “skipped” town, but the same approach applies. As private detectives, we have a lot of experience in this and can offer the following tips when looking for a person from your past.

5 Tips From Private Detectives In Greensboro, NC, On How To Locate A Person You’ve Lost Contact With

1. Collect As Much Information As Possible

If you are wondering how to locate person data, the easiest answer is to look online. However, before you do that, take the time to sit down and think about all of the information you have about this person. This will help when you start the process of figuring out how to find someone online.

This includes remembering their full name, as well as what they did when you knew them. Taking a photo of an old photograph of the person with your smartphone, or scanning it into digital format, will also make the online search much easier. This information is quite easy to gather, and the more information you have upfront will help you considerably in your search. If your online research is coming up empty, perhaps have one of our professional private investigators conduct a background check, using as little as just a name.

2. Consult Government Records

Not all personal information is available to the public, but if you’re a bit intimidated by online Google searches, you can also pay a visit to your local archive website to find out more general information about the person first. This could include mentions of them in the public press, or whether they have registered a company.

If you’re wondering how to locate personal data for someone who lives far away, you could also get in touch with a national archive via email for more direction. In this case, they may be able to do a wider search on your behalf, even while working remotely. The person you’re looking for might be in another country, in which case, you may need to ask for the details of the local country’s archives and ask them to do a similar search for you. As private investigators in Greensboro, NC, we have dealt with many cases of finding people through public records, but it could be an interesting process for you to learn more about this person first. If this person is a family member, this kind of exercise could also prove interesting for finding out more about your heritage too.

3. Conduct An Online Search On Google

Of course, this is where many people would have begun their search. However, by following the first two steps, you have already gathered a solid amount of information to work with. This will work to your advantage as knowing how to find someone online can be trickier than it appears at first glance.

This is especially the case if you’re wondering how to locate person data for someone with a very common name. With the information you have already gathered, you can now add more search terms into the search bar on Google, or another search engine of your choice, to make your search more refined. Of course, the more accurate the information you have is, the better the results are going to be. Using a digital photograph, you can even search on Google Images to find other images online that match.

4. Use Social Media

Once again, this is where many people might begin their search, but we all know that not everyone makes their profiles public. Once again, as with search engines like Google, if the person has a common name it makes them more difficult to find on these sites – unless you have a photograph or two of them. There are also many different social media sites, and the person you might be looking for might not use all of them. So, it’s a good idea to search all of them and, if you’ve followed all of the steps above, you would probably have a lot more information to work with.

5. Consult A Private Investigator

If you still can’t find a trace of the person you’re looking for, the next step is to bring in some professional help. As private investigators in Greensboro, NC, we are a licensed and insured service provider that can help with skip tracing and knowing how to locate person data so that you can get hold of someone that you’ve lost touch with.

With years of experience, we can take you through all the necessary steps, as we’ve outlined above, in addition to the many other methods of information retrieval that we have at our disposal.

Final Thoughts On How To Find Someone That You’ve Lost Touch With

If you live in the triad area, we can help you learn how to find someone that you want to get in contact with again, no matter how many years it’s been since you’ve seen them. In a time of great uncertainty with the Coronavirus spreading around the world, we’re here to help you, remotely, during this challenging time.

Three Important Considerations when Hiring a Private Investigator Greensboro, NC

Whether you are experiencing doubts about your spouse’s faithfulness or wondering if your child is actually telling the entire truth, the overwhelming sense of worry can take over your thoughts and prohibit you from focusing on normal, daily activities.

If you fear the worst – that your significant other is cheating or engaging in otherwise unscrupulous activity and you want to find out for sure, a Private Investigator in Greensboro, NC can help you. If your parental instincts tell you that something is not right about how your child is behaving or their stories seem to lack veracity, hiring a PI to investigate and uncover any discrepancies can solve your problem.

Hiring a Private Investigator

There are several absolute essentials you need to scrutinize about the PI before you hire them to perform any investigative services for you.

  • 1) Is the private investigator licensed and insured? 

In order to work legally in the state of North Carolina, a PI must meet requirements established by the Private Protective Services Board (PPSB) in order to secure a license.  Victory Investigations’ Private Investigators in Greensboro, NCare fully licensed, insured, and adept at recommending the most progressive strategy and implementing it to achieve your goals effectively.

  • 2) Does the private investigator have experience? 

If you want to obtain half the evidence to prove your suspicions are correct, you could conduct your own investigation. When you are hiring a professional, you need to know that they are knowledgeable in thorough investigative techniques and have experience utilizing expert technology. Victory Investigations’ Private Investigators in Greensboro, NC are certified digital forensic examiners of computers and cell phones, which allows them to capture all the evidence with specialized tools to retrieve erased data like – deleted text messages, videos, photographs, browsing history and online chats. This experience and expertise means that we will find every piece of evidence available for you to have all the proof you need to support your allegations (or perhaps provide you with substantial confirmation that your suspicions are unfounded!)

  • 3) Does the private investigator guarantee your confidentiality and clearly outline fees?

Victory Investigations’ Private Investigators in Greensboro, NC honestly care about your specific case and do ensure your absolute privacy. Our commitment to you includes completely discreet services and a free consultation to talk about your needs. There are no hidden charges and no risks of your personal information being revealed to anyone at any time.

When you have more questions than answers, please contact us. We are here to help you learn the truth about troubling situations that require the expertise and experience of Professional Private Investigators in Greensboro, NC.

Victory Investigations’ professional private investigators service Greensboro NC, High Point NC, and Winston Salem North Carolina. A full-service private detective agency, Victory Investigations, stands ready to help you in your time of need. Let us help you balance the scales of justice in your favor! We regularly post to our Facebook page and our Google+ page….Check us out!

Family Law Investigator For Greensboro NC

If you are looking for experienced and trusted Family Law Investigators in Greensboro NC, look no further. Victory Investigations’ Private Investigators are knowledgeable when it comes to obtaining evidence for your child custody situation, cheating spouse, alimony reduction and cohabitation case.

Knowing when to hire a Family Law Private Investigator in Greensboro can be tricky. Most Family Law Private Investigators in Greensboro offer a FREE consultation, but choosing a good Private Investigator for your situation could prove daunting. Not all Investigators are created equal – I always say. In my opinion the best Family Law Private Investigator in Greensboro for your matter is one that is, of course knowledgeable and experienced, but most importantly is one that you feel most comfortable with. After all, they will handling some of the most private details of your life. So choose wisely, but also choose from the “gut”.

Evidence obtained by our Family Law Private Investigators will ensure you the advantage when it comes time to negotiate. This evidence is obtained discreetly and kept in the strictest of confidence. Victory’s Family Law Investigators are licensed and insured;  maintain a schedule of continuing education and keep up to date on case law regarding Family Law.

Once our Family Law Private Investigators obtain the evidence, we can refer you to one of our Family Law Attorneys in our network. It is important that you choose a Family Law Investigator that has a good working relationship with specialized attorneys. They work together to give you the best chance of tipping the scales of justice in your favor.

Our Family Law Private Investigators are confident that we can obtain evidence that can irrefutably prove that your child is not being cared for properly; determine if the parent is abiding by a custody agreement; put you in a position to negotiate a better custody agreement.

Victory Investigations can obtain evidence of your cheating spouse through surveillance and digital data recovery methods (most private investigators cannot provide this service). Protect your self financially by either putting your self in the position to obtain alimony OR protect your assets if you’re the one being cheated on. We will get to the truth for financial reasons, custody purposes, or for just your peace of mind. Let our Private Investigators in Greensboro be your “go-to” experts in the field of Family Law Investigations.

If you believe you’re paying alimony unjustly due to a cohabitation situation or a possible re-marriage, then our Private Investigators in Greensboro can help.

When it comes to your personal situation, I believe Victory Investigations’ Private Investigators in Greensboro are the BEST choice for you! We are licensed, professional, capable, and always win, hence the name “Victory”.

(336) 298-2034 | Private Investigator Greensboro NC | Victory Investigations


If you are in need of professional investigative help, Victory’s Private Investigators & Detectives for Greensboro NC can get the job done right. There are many Private Investigators in and around the Greensboro NC area. It is important that you do your homework when it comes to choosing a Private Investigator in Greensboro NC. One of the most important criteria in choosing a local Private Investigator in Greensboro NC is to insure the Greensboro Private Detective is properly licensed and insured. The Private Protective Services Board (PPSB) is the licensing authority for Private Investigators in Greensboro North Carolina. Victory InvestigationsPrivate Investigators in Greensboro NC are fully licensed, insured, and capable. Our Private Detectives for Greensboro NC  have extensive experience and utilize the latest technology to conduct your case. We are certified digital forensic examiners of cell phones and computers. We have the software and know-how (aka “trade craft”) to extract deleted text messages, emails, browsing history, chat conversations, and more from cell phones and computers. What that means to you is that you’ll  have more evidence to assert your side. Whether you need to catch your cheating spouse or you feel the need to monitor your child’s activity online or through their cell phone,  our Private Investigators in Greensboro NC have the experience to achieve maximum results. GPS Vehicle Tracking may also be a service you’re interested in. These devices can be installed temporarily or permanently and are very accurate. Our Professional Private Investigators in Greensboro NC are highly technical with GPS Tracking devices. Feel free to contact Victory Investigations’ Private Investigators for Greensboro NC on our 24 hour help line. The initial consultation is absolutely FREE and there’s no obligation. Please browse our website for details on all our services. We are a full service Private Detective Agency in Greensboro NC. Victory Investigations’ Private Investigators and Detectives service Greensboro, Winston Salem, High Point, and all over North Carolina. We also have contacts throughout the world, which enable us to investigate globally.

24 Hour Help Line 1-888-482-6273 | 100% Confidential and Discreet

A highly trained and experienced Private Investigator in Greensboro NC from Victory Investigations is ready to take your call. We value your privacy and as such, we protect your personal information to the highest degree. Our forensic lab boats state-of-the-art equipment and technologies to insure your information is not only gathered properly, but also stored securely. You can trust our Private Investigators Greensboro NC because they are licensed and overseen by a division of the DOJ. There are many Private Investigators for Greensboro NC, but there is really only one choice….Victory Investigations’ Private Investigators in Greensboro NC.

Call one of our Private Investigators for Greensboro NC, High Point NC, or Winston Salem NC. They can answer your questions and provide a strategy to get the evidence you need. They specialize in adultery/infidelity cases with an emphasis on technology. The #1 sign of cheating is strange and obsessive cell phone use. If you find your spouse or partner is displaying odd behavior on his/her cell phone or computer, then you probably have a cheater on your hands. Take your suspicions to a Private Investigator in Greensboro NC – Victory Investigations. Please join us on Google+ here.

We are often asked by our clients this question:  “Is my information confidential?”   And the answer is YES! We, as professional Private Investigators, are bound by law and ethics to hold your personal information strictly confidential. Your privacy is one of our main focuses, hence the name “Private Investigator”. Furthermore, you are the rightful owner of any work product we have pertaining to your case. Therefore, only you and whomever you chose to share your information with such as an attorney, legal adviser,  etc. has the right to said information. Victory’s Professional Private Investigators for Greensboro and surrounding areas are the #1 choice of attorneys, businesses, and general public for this very reason and because we deliver results.

Many Investigative firms in the area will charge exorbitant fees and retainers and often times deliver NO results. Victory Investigations has, on many occasions, been hired to complete these cases for the disgruntled client. Among other things, these clients have shared with us that other investigators have not delivered on their promises, charged way more than was stated at the beginning of the process, and are very difficult to communicate with. Our Private Investigators for Greensboro are easy to get hold of and we are constantly updating our clients with case status and fees. BUYER BEWARE! Not all Investigators are created equal…Most lack the necessary skills to provide a comprehensive solution to you dilemma. Victory’s Private Investigators for Greensboro NC are experienced, knowledgeable, and capable to provide a sound strategy and maximum results.

We are posting great information weekly on our Facebook page so check it out and give us a “Like”, if you will! Thank you for stopping by!


GPS Vehicle Tracking Puts You In the Know

Have you ever wanted to know exactly where someone was going but had no idea how to go about it? Whether it’s your spouse, teenage driver or company vehicle, GPS vehicle tracking allows you in the know.

GPS vehicle tracking is a way of letting you know what’s going on when you’re not sure if someone is being honest with you. For instance, your teenager tells you they are driving to a friend’s house to study but instead heads to a concert in a another town or your spouse tells you they are working late yet they drive to a neighborhood you’re not familiar with. Even if you have a company car someone else uses or a fleet of vehicles, GPS tracking allows you to know exactly where that vehicle has been and while it doesn’t negate having professional surveillance, it is a helpful part of having the knowledge you need. It’s a tool that combined with a professional’s help, can let you rest easy that you are not kept in the dark when it comes to knowing what’s going on with someone in your life.

When it comes to infidelity cases, GPS tracking is a powerful tool that combined with surveillance, can help you put your mind at ease or give you the facts about something you suspected in the first place.

Victory Investigations are professionals in North Carolina that can not only help you with GPS tracking but provides full investigative services in a number of areas. While we specialize in infidelity cases, we also provide help in custody cases, cyber harassment cases, and more.

If you need help tracking a loved one or someone that uses your vehicle, simply contact us so we can help you with any questions you may have or to schedule a consultation.

We are a licensed Private Investigator firm and Detective agency for the Greensboro, High Point, Winston Salem NC are. We also cover the whole state of North Carolina and have Private Investigator contacts globally. Our Private Investigators in Greensboro NC specialize in GPS Tracking, covert surveillance, marital infidelity, adultery, getting deleted text messages, and much more. We can teach you how to catch your cheating spouse or partner or we can obtain all the evidence you need to prove adultery, infidelity, alienation of affection, and criminal conversation. Let us be your guide to Victory and peace of mind!

You can keep up with us on Facebook here | Twitter here | Google+ here. We post tips and advice often to help aid in you pursuit of personal justice.

PI Tips: How To Catch A Cheating Spouse

It’s every persons worst nightmare. A cheating spouse can be emotionally devastating, causing rifts in your relationship that may be unrepairable. Before jumping to conclusions, it is important to gather all the facts. Hiring a private investigator can give you the information and the peace of mind you need to move on.

There are several useful tactics a seasoned private investigator may use to catch your spouse in the act. He or she knows how to catch a cheating spouse using solid evidence which you may be able to use in court if the need arises.

Having someone unlicensed attempt to “spy” on your spouse by following him or her can be risky business and it is in fact, it’s illegal. PIs have a license for surveillance, this relieves them of any legal repercussions when they are following and/or monitoring your spouse. Your PI can also testify in court and present the evidence they collected during investigation to the judge for review.

Hiring a PI can also relieve you of having to compile evidence yourself, this can be cumbersome if you are still living with your husband or wife. Attempting to catalog evidence or asking too many questions can spark painful arguments. This can especially upset any children that live in the home.

In addition to surveillance, your PI will also search through your spouse’s financial transactions. Cheating can be expensive and there is usually a paper trail. During this investigation, your PI will look for purchases for clothing, jewelry, and restaurant or hotel receipts. A professional PI will also search for hidden bank accounts or secret credit card accounts.

Your PI will also run a background check on your spouse. The lying may have began before you were even married; holding back information such as past marriages/divorces. A good PI will try to find any indication of a reoccurring pattern of past infidelity.

Dealing with the possibility of spousal infidelity can be crushing. It is important to use a professional private investigator who can get the facts so you can make the best decision about your next move. Trust the experts at Victory Investigations. We invite you contact us today for more information. We also invite you to join us on Google+!

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